Women in Science & Medicine
Mission Statement: To inspire, encourage, and enable women in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) to achieve their personal and professional goals as developing physician scientists through open discussion of potential career obstacles and interaction with successful female role models.
The MSTP Women in Science and Medicine Group, in collaboration with the Office of Faculty Affairs, co-sponsors research seminar presentations by invited external women physician scientists. Opportunities are provided for MSTP students to meet with these invited speakers. The Group also hosts social gatherings for women MSTP students and University of Minnesota faculty to engage in discussions focused on career development, mentoring, and leadership. These meetings foster relationships between students and female role models in the scientific and medical communities.
2020-2021 schedule
WISM Meet & Greet: Dr. Suma Jacob
Wednesday, Sept 2, 2020
Held via Zoom
WISM Panel: Negotiation & Self-Advocacy
Thursday, Nov 12, 2020 4:00 PM
Held via Zoom (link on MSTP google calendar)
WISM "Winance" Night
Tuesday, January 26th, 6:00 pm
Held via Zoom (link on MSTP google calendar)
WISM Roundtable with Gül Dölen, M.D., Ph.D.
Thursday, April 2, 2021, 2:00 PM
Held via Zoom (link on MSTP google calender)