Resident Awards
Burke Memorial Award
The $750 Dr. Leonard P. Burke Memorial Award recognizes a graduating family medicine resident for unique service contributions. Selection is made by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
Bizal Peterson Memorial Award
The Mary Bizal Peterson Memorial Award is presented to the senior medical student planning a residency in neurology at the University of Minnesota who is judged the best candidate by a Department of Neurology selection committee.
Cecil J. Watson Award
The $2,500 Cecil J. Watson Award recognizes the most outstanding research by a resident or fellow in any clinical department of the Medical School each year.
Ernst Award in Pathology
The Dr. Kenneth F. Ernst Award in Pathology recognizes superior research in Pathology by medical students, residents, or fellows. Selection is made by the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Excellence in Geriatric Scholarship Awards
Two Awards for Excellence in Geriatric Scholarship are presented each year by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health: a $1000 award to a medical student and $2,000 award to a resident. Any University of Minnesota medical student or resident may submit a paper for consideration.
All resident awards will be distributed directly through the University of Minnesota's Payroll department and student awards will be distributed through the Office of Student Finance.