Tumor viruses, oncogenesis, gene transfer
My research group examined the mechanism(s) by which two groups of tumor viruses, retroviruses and papillomaviruses, replicate and transform cells. To this end, we used molecular biological approaches to increase our understanding of the structure and function of tumor virus genes and their specific products. My lab's studies led to the identification, in most vertebrate species, of novel endogenous retroviruses as well as genetic sequences present in normal cells that may represent evolutionary precursors to certain tumor virus genes. Continuing studies will elucidate the nature of these genes and their possible function in growth and development, as well as in oncogenesis. My laboratory also investigates the role tumor viruses play in the induction of benign tumors and their progression to the malignant phenotype, particularly in people with genetic predisposition. Another study in the laboratory uses gene transfer and gene expression technologies to produce transgenic fish that exhibit properties of enhanced growth and disease resistance. All of the work in my laboratory uses state-of-the-art molecular biological technologies, including recombinant DNA, hybridoma, and gene sequencing/synthesis procedures.
- Faras, A. J. (1995) Oncology from bench to bedside. Minnesota Physician 9 (3):16-18.
- Ostrow, R., S. Coughlin, R. McGlennen. N. Johnson, M. Ratterree, J. Scheffler, N. Yaegashi, G. Galloway, and A. Faras. (1995) Serological and molecular evidence of rhesus papillomavirus type 1 infections in tissues from geographically distinct institutions. J. Gen. Virol. 76:293-299.
- Li, M., D. Bronson, T. Lemke, and A. Faras. (1995) Restricted expression of new HERV-K members in human teratocarcinoma cells. Virology 208:733-741.