I completed my BSc (First Class), MD, and Residency in Psychiatry at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Canada. I was a Clinical Instructor (from 2004-2007) and Assistant Clinical Professor (from 2007-2013) at the University of British Columbia Mood Disorders Center in Vancouver, Canada. While at UBC, I also completed a PhD in Neuroscience. My PhD research involved using magnetic resonance brain imaging to investigate the relationship between obesity and brain illness progression in early-stage bipolar disorder. I joined the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences as an Associate Professor in 2014.For the past 16 years, I have taught medical students, psychiatry residents, PhD students, and research fellows about the neurobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of bipolar disorder and associated conditions. My work focuses on the diagnosis and management of bipolar disorder, especially bipolar depression; early intervention in mood disorders; cardiovascular risk factors as predictors of neuroprogression in bipolar disorder, and the causal modelling of symptom networks in bipolar disorder.I have co-authored a number of treatment guidelines for bipolar disorder. I have published 77 peer-reviewed articles with most as first or last author, have close to 4000 citations, and an h-index of 28. I have delivered presentations both nationally and internationally at over 120 conferences.Within the department, I am a member of the Grand Rounds Committee . I am also a member of the UMP Compliance and Risk Management Committee , and the Strategic Planning Committee .