Maria Hordinsky

R.W. Goltz Professor


If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hordinsky, please call (612) 625-5656.

Maria K. Hordinsky, M.D. is Professor and Chair of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota and is also the Director of the Department’s Clinical Research Division. Dr. Hordinsky is recognized for her expertise and research in hair diseases and the peripheral nervous system as it relates to hair follicle biology. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology and the Scarring Alopecia Foundation. She is also an Immediate Past President of the American Hair Research Society (North, South, Central).

Dr. Hordinsky was a recipient of the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award and has over 200 publications. She regularly lectures and teaches on hair diseases and divides her time between seeing patients with residents and medical students in her clinical practice associated with University of Minnesota Physicians, doing clinical research, teaching, and administration.

Research Interests
dermatology (skin care)
skin cancer
pediatric dermatology

Teaching Summary

Director, UMMC Dermatology clinical rotation for 3rd and 4th year medical students; Hair Disease Research; Mentor to the clinical research fellow at the UMMC site and medical students interested in Dermatology.

Clinical Summary

General dermatology; Hair diseases in children and adults; Genetic dermatology; Cutaneous T cell lymphoma; Neurodermatology; Skin cancer

Selected Presentations

Selected Presentations

Hordinsky, M. K. "Update on treatment of androgenic alopecia", RESP Online Cabelos e Unhas, Brazilian Society of Dermatology , Sao Paulo, Brazil. April 30, 2020.



1-411 Phillips-Wangensteen Building
516 Delaware St SE, MMC 98
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Administrative Contact

Admin Contact: Vicky Xiong -