Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Making mission statements meaningful: Strengthening rural medical workforce", National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. May 10, 2018.
Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Additive rural education: Pre-clinical and clinical education symmetry", 2018 National Rural Health Association Conference , New Orleans, Louisiana. May 01, 2018.
Onello, E. C., Regehr, L. "Getting involved in your academy: Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians", Duluth Family Medicine Residency Noon Conference, St. Mary's Hospital, Duluth, Minnesota. April 25, 2018.
Moran, M., Onello, E. C. "Concussion alert: A prototype for tracking concussions in youth hockey players", Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) Research and Innovation Forum, Bloomington, Minnesota. March 03, 2018.
Gallett, N., Smestad, L., Bowen, M., Olson, L., Onello, E. C. "Physician, EMS staff, and community perceptions in rural community paramedicine program planning", Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) Research and Innovation Forum, Bloomington, Minnesota. March 03, 2018.
Boulger, J., Christensen, R., Onello, E. C. "Future country docs: Duluth’s Rural Medical Scholars Program", National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, California. May 01, 2017.
Onello, E. C., Raab, K. "MN’s changing climate: What family physicians need to know now about the impact on our patients’ health", 2017 MAFP Spring Refresher Conference , Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 01, 2017.
Onello, E. C., Allert, D. "Sulfide mining and human health: A primer for family docs", 2017 MAFP Spring Refresher Conference , Minneapolis, Minnesota. January 01, 2017.
Onello, E. C. "The path to pathology: How climate change adversely affects human health", Climate Conversation Series, EPA Laboratory, Duluth, Minnesota. June 21, 2016.
Onello, E. C., Westra, R., Harren, D. "Put yourself in “Jeopardy”: Using a digital game to highlight rural health topics", Minnesota Rural Health Association Conference , Duluth, Minnesota. June 01, 2016.
Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Teleconnecting rural preceptors: A cost-effective method of including rural perspectives in pre-clinical curriculum", 2016 Best Practices in Medical Education Day, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 01, 2016.
Onello, E. C., Beehler, S., Boulger, J. "Learning while doing: Teaching research skills to medical students via community based family medicine preceptor involvement", 2016 Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) Research and Innovation Forum . March 12, 2016.
Onello, E. C., Westra, R. "Putting students in “Jeopardy”: Using digital games to reinforce learning", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Student Education Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. January 01, 2016.
Onello, E. C., Boulger, J. "Teleconnecting rural preceptors: A cost-effective method of including rural perspectives in pre-clinical curriculum", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Student Education Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. January 01, 2016.
Onello, E. C. "Rural Family Medicine and Native American and Minority Health Scholars Program", 2015 Tour of Rural Medical Education presentations, National Rural Health Association conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. April 14, 2015.
Onello, E. C., Nichols, K., Boulger, J. "iPad use in undergraduate medical education: What apps, e-texts and websites do students use?", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. January 01, 2015.
Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Educating the rural physician workforce: The roles and successes of regional campuses", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Medical Education Conference, Duluth, Minnesota. January 01, 2015.
Beehler, S., Onello, E. C., Boulger, J. "Teaching medical students about rural community health assessment ", National Rural Health Association Conference . January 01, 2015.
Onello, E. C., Beehler, S., Boulger, J. "Rural family physicians: Research opportunities for medical students", National Rural Health Association Conference . January 01, 2015.
Onello, E. C., Boulger, J., Beehler, S. "From cornfields to classrooms to collaborations: How our medical school can partner with your rural community", Minnesota Rural Health Conference, Duluth, Minnesota. June 24, 2014.
Onello, E. C., Harvie, J., Solem, B. "The commons health hospital challenge: Moving from healthy pledge to healthy practice", Minnesota Rural Health Conference, Duluth, Minnesota. June 23, 2014.
Onello, E. C. "Rural Family Medicine and Native American and Minority Health Scholars Program", 2014 Tour of Rural Medical Education presentations, National Rural Health Association conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 22, 2014.
Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Recruitment and retention of rural preceptors: Old and new perspectives", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Medical Education Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. February 01, 2014.
Boulger, J., Onello, E. C. "Family medicine preceptorships for first year medical students: Looking back and moving forward", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Medical Education Conference , Nashville, Tennessee. January 01, 2014.
Westra, R., Onello, E. C. "Spicing up your first and second year curriculum: A “recipe” for developing simulation cases", The Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Medical Education Conference , Nashville, Tennessee. January 01, 2014.
Onello, E. C., Westra, R. "Simulation for first and second year medical students", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Medical Education Conference. January 01, 2014.
Onello, E. C., Westra, R. "Integration of simulation into the curriculum for first and second year students", Best Practices conference at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 02, 2013.
Olson, M., Onello, E. C. "Women and herbal therapies: The good news, the bad news", Women and Health: A Time for You Conference, Rochester, Minnesota. January 25, 1998.
Onello, E. C., Cilek, M., Kelley, L. "Southeastern medicinal plants and the family physician", American Academy of Family Medicine Scientific Assembly, San Francisco, California. January 01, 1998.
Kelley, L., Olson, M., Onello, E. C. "Local medicinal plants: Alternative therapies the family practitioner may encounter", North Central Regional Meeting of the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Conference, Rochester, Minnesota. November 01, 1997.