James Allen, PhD

1035 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
James Allen, PhD
I am a licensed psychologist with training in community and clinical psychology. My clinical interests include individual and family therapy, and assessment. Current work is in the implementation and testing of multilevel health promotion interventions in American Indian/Alaska Native rural communities.
PhD, University of Montana
Major: Program in Clinical Psychology
MA, University of Montana
Major: Clinical Psychology
BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Psychology/History
My research focuses on ways to enhance the capacities of American Indian/Alaska Native communities to promote their own health and well-being. My current emphasis is youth development and health as part of a long-term 25-year collaboration with rural Alaska Native communities. This collaboration has documented culture-based strategies for youth suicide and alcohol misuse prevention and is now testing their effectiveness. The Qungasvik (toolbox) intervention is a strength-based, community-directed and community-staffed approach that creates protective experiences to buffer risk factors and promote well-being. The second strand of this work is documenting and describing the role of community-level protective mechanisms, sometimes called cultural continuity, in the low suicide rates of certain communities within high suicide impacted regions of rural Alaska. A third effort seeks to understand cultural and spiritual factors individuals in Pacific Northwest and Northern Minnesota tribal communities are using in their recovery from opioid use. All these studies share focus at the intersection of culture, resistance, and health.Research methods for this work include interview approaches to understanding cultural processes in health and well-being, and collaborative coding and interpretive analyses of these qualitative data with Indigenous community members. Quantitative approaches draw on my interests in classical and modern measurement theory, particularly in application with cultural distinctiveness, contemporary approaches to modeling for testing theory and intervention effectiveness, with particular focus on small population and small sample research, and recent developments in multilevel and Bayesian analysis approaches.Driving all these efforts is an applied focus in intervention science. Recent work has concentrated on protective factors frameworks. As an alternative to the risk and deficit models, this framework can guide a fresh understanding of resilience processes and new, more effective intervention development.
Licensures & Certifications
Minnesota Licensed Psychologist,
Licensure/Certification Number: LP5657
Alaska Licensed Psychologist,
Licensure/Certification Number: PSYP534
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
Affiliated member, Madison’s Who’s Who, 2010
University of Washington School of Medicine and Council on Research and Graduate Education WWAMI Lecture for Science in Medicine, 2010
Martin Mayman Award for Distinguished Contribution to Personality Assessment, Society for Personality Assessment, 2005
Fullbright Lecturer/Research Fellowship, 2003
South Dakota Psychological Association Outstanding Service Award, 1996
University of Montana Department of Psychology Commendation, 1990
University of Montana Department of Psychology Commendation, 1989
Phi Beta Kappa, 1979
Psi Chi Psychology Undergraduate, 1978
Phi Kappa Phi, 1978
Phi Eta Sigma Freshman, 1976
Johnson, R., Wexler, L., Rasmus, S., Black, J., Peter, E., Allen, J. R. "Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR): Identifying and supporting community strengths", American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, California. November 01, 2018.
Johnson, R., Rasmus, S., Wexler, L., Allen, J. R., Black, J. "Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR): Protecting the protective factors", American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, California. November 01, 2018.
Allen, J. R. "Cultural approaches to American Indian and Alaska Native Youth Suicide Prevention: Strategies to address the social determinants of suicide risk", The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Washington, District of Columbia. September 01, 2018.
Wexler, L., Murphrey, C., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "The Alaska Native Community Resilience Study (ANCRS): Changing the narrative in suicide prevention from risk to cultural & community strengths", Webinar: Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Health and Wellbeing Collaboration Team (HWCT). September 01, 2018.
Charles, B., John, S., Nation, C., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Drawing upon protection from within: Indigenous intervention development of the Qungasvik (Toolbox) prevention approach for rural Alaska Native communities", Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. June 01, 2018.
Charles, B., John, S., Nation, C., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Intervention development of the Qungasvik (Toolbox) prevention approach for rural Alaska Native youth suicide and alcohol misuse", Annual Meeting of the National Institutes of Health Intervention Research in Native American Health program grantees, Valley Center, California. June 01, 2018.
Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Allen, J. R. "A Yup’ik Alaska Native model for CBPR and interventions reducing risk for youth suicide and alcohol misuse", Center for Translational and Clinical Research Workshop, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. April 01, 2018.
Allen, J. R. "Precision medicine, forgotten populations, and the imperative for tribally controlled research in Indigenous communities", Summit for Native American and Rural Health, Minnesota Precision Medicine Collaboration, (MPMC) Grand Challenges Initiative, Duluth, Minnesota. March 01, 2018.
Charles, B., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Culturally grounded strategies to address social determinants of Alaska Native youth suicide by fostering community resilience", Native Children’s Research Exchange (NCRE), Denver, Colorado. September 01, 2017.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, B. "Culture is prevention: Strategies to address social determinants of suicide/alcohol risk and foster resilience in Alaska Native communities", NIAAA Workshop to Explore Research Needs in Addressing Alcohol-Related Suicide, Rockville, Maryland. September 01, 2017.
Rasmus, S., Peter, E., Black, J., Wexler, J., Allen, J. R. "Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR)", NIMH Webinar: American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention Research. August 01, 2017.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, B. "Cultural strategies for prevention to address social determinants of youth suicide and resilience in Indigenous communities", Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. August 01, 2017.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S. "Culture specific models of substance misuse recovery and protection: Applications to opiate misuse", Future Directions for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) with American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs), NIDA Headquarters, Rockville, Maryland. May 01, 2017.
Allen, J. R., Henderson, N. "Research in health disparities: Developing researcher-community collaborations", Precision Medicine and Health Disparities Summit, Minnesota Precision Medicine Collaboration, (MPMC) Grand Challenges Initiative, Duluth, Minnesota. March 01, 2017.
Charles, B., John, S., Nation, C., Allen, J. R. "Qungasvik (toolbox) project: Utilizing a centuries old model of holistic community wellbeing through the Yup’ik Qasgiq model", Alaska Training Cooperative, 15 site national invited training session, originating from Hooper Bay Alaska, Alaska. March 01, 2017.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Fok, C. C. "Multi-site community suicide and alcohol prevention trial with rural Alaska Native youth: Outcomes from the Qungasvik Project", The Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, California. May 01, 2016.
Allen, J. R., Charles, B., Simeon, J., Jorene, J., Nation, C., Nu, J., Shar, D., Rasmus, S. "Qungasvik “Toolbox”: A model for promoting reasons for life and well-being in Yup’ik communities", National Rural Health Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 01, 2016.
Donovan, D., Venner, K., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Allen, J. R., Wendt, D. "Community-based culturally-adapted substance use disorder interventions for American Indians and Alaska Natives", 4th Annual Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Meeting: Reducing Health Disparities through Addiction Science and Practice, San Diego, California. March 01, 2016.
Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Promoting resilience and well-being", Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programs /EU-PolarNet Stakeholder Workshop on Research Needs for Arctic Health and Wellness, Fairbanks, Alaska. March 01, 2016.
Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Nation, C., Allen, J. R. "Indigenous intervention science model for Alaska Native communities", The Value of Tribal Ecological Knowledge (TEK) for Environmental Health Sciences and Biomedical Research Workshop, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland. December 01, 2015.
Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Allen, J. R. "Elluam Tungiinun 'Towards Wellness' project", International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) Match Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska. September 01, 2015.
Charles, B., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "The Qasiaq Model for intervention in suicide prevention", Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups (RISING SUN) Workshop 1, National Institute of Mental Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National Institute of Public Health – Denmark, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Anchorage, Alaska, Aland Islands. September 01, 2015.
Charles, B., Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S. "Alaska Native cultural engagement in research to reduce disparities in suicide and alcohol misuse", National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities 2015 Translational Health Disparities Course; Integrating Science, Practice, and Policy, National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Bethesda, Maryland. August 01, 2015.
Kral, M. J., Allen, J. R. "Community-based participatory action research", American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada. August 01, 2015.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Joe, J., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Community intervention development for a prevention trial with rural Alaska Native Youth: Dose effects in a pilot effectiveness trial", Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. May 01, 2015.
Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Allen, J. R. "Indigenous intervention science model for Alaska Native communities", Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Evolving Dimensions of US and Global Health Equity, National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Washington, District of Columbia. December 01, 2014.
Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Engaging Alaska Native youth and communities in research to reduce disparities in alcohol abuse and suicide in the Arctic", The National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities American Indian/Native (AI/AN) Research Forum, Washington, District of Columbia. November 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R. "U.S. Arctic: Community resilience, cultural continuity, and well-being in the prevention of suicide", International Epidemiological Association World Congress on Epidemiology, Anchorage, Alaska. August 01, 2014.
Gonzalez, J., Lewis, J., Allen, J. R. "Elders, generativity, and healing", Research on Indigenous Community Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. August 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R., Gonzalez, J. "American Indian suicide", 2nd Annual Health Research Summit, Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health (CRCAIH) and the Center for Health Outcomes and Prevention Research (CHOPR) of Sanford Research, Bemidji, Minnesota. June 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R., Boden-Albala, B., Bulkow, L., Roberts, E. T., Trimble, B. "Ascertainment of Alaska Native stroke incidence 2005-2009: The Alaska Native Stroke Registry", American Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 01, 2014.
Wexler, L., Allen, J. R., Walkup, J., Cwik, M., Brockie, T. "Promising areas of research focused on the prevention of American Indian and Alaska Native suicide", Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. May 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R. "Strategies for community-engaged measurement development in evaluating translational research initiatives", Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. May 01, 2014.
Charles, B. A., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R., Ford, T. "The Qasgiq (Communal House) Model: A process for engaging Alaska Native communities in research", Alaska Native Health Research Summit, Anchorage, Alaska. April 01, 2014.
Lewis, J., Allen, J. R. "Motivations for sobriety among Alaska Native elders", Alaska Native Health Research Summit, Anchorage, Alaska. April 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R. "Community-engaged measure development for framing questions about culture in interventions: Culture and intervention–measuring outcomes", The Way Forward: ACF Research with American Indians and Alaska Natives, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE), Washington, District of Columbia. April 01, 2014.
Allen, J. R. "Promising alternative strategies for American Indian and Alaska Native suicide prevention research", American Indian and Alaska Native Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Washington, District of Columbia. August 01, 2013.
Charles, B. A., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Qasgiq (kuz-geek) model for community engagement in Yup’ik Alaska Native", National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities 2013 Translational Health Disparities Course; Integrating Science, Practice, and Policy, Bethesda, Maryland. August 01, 2013.
Allen, J. R., Oney, R., Kelly, M., Charles, B., Rasmus, S., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Outcomes of a Rural Alaska Native youth suicide and alcohol abuse preventative intervention", American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii. August 01, 2013.
Allen, J. R., Fok, C. C., Henry, D., Rasmus, S., Charles, B., Oney, R. "Contextual effects in a community intervention to prevent suicide and alcohol abuse risk with Yup’ik Alaska Native youth", 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, California. May 01, 2013.
Allen, J. R., Walls, M. "Community perspectives on Indigenous Youth Suicide: Risk, hope and resilience", 46th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Austin, Texas. April 01, 2013.
Allen, J. R., Ford, T., Oney, R., Kelly, M., Charles, B., Rasmus, S., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Comparative effectiveness trial of a cultural suicide and alcohol abuse preventative intervention for rural Alaska Native youth: How intensive an intervention is necessary?", 2013 Native Children’s Research Exchange, Denver, Colorado. January 01, 2013.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, B. "Elluam Tungiinun: Toward wellness", NIMHD 2013 Health Disparities Summit, Washington, District of Columbia. December 01, 2012.
Mohatt, N. V., Fok, C. C., Burket, R., Henry, D., Allen, J. R. "Assessment of awareness of connectedness as a culturally-based protective factor for Alaska Native youth", Native Health Research Conference, Seattle, Washington. July 01, 2012.
Gonzalez, J., Trickett, E., Allen, J. R. "Collaborative measurement development as a tool in CBPR", Native Health Research Conference, Seattle, Washington. July 01, 2012.
Allen, J. R., Fok, C. C., Henry, D., Skewes, M. "Consequential validity and ethical considerations in alcohol assessment: Multidimensional assessment of reflective processes among rural Yup’ik Alaska Native youth", Native Health Research Conference, Seattle, Washington. July 01, 2012.
Allen, J. R., Henry, D., Fok, C. C. "Adapting measures for prevention research in culturally distinct communities", 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. May 01, 2012.
Allen, J. R., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Umyuangcaryaraq ‘Reflecting’: Multidimensional assessment of reflective processes on the consequences of alcohol use among rural Yup’ik Alaska Native youth", 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, District of Columbia. May 01, 2012.
Rivkin, I., Allen, J. R., Lindley, S., Oney, R., Sheldon, D. "Collaborative research addressing health disparities in rural Alaska: Building on Alaska Native cultural strengths", National Association of Rural Mental Health Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2012.
Ayuneark, P., Charles, W., Rasmus, S., Allen, J. R. "Qungasvik Projects: promoting reasons for life and well-being in youth", 20th Annual Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation tribal unity gathering, Bethel, Alaska. April 01, 2012.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Charles, W. "Tribal engagement in community intervention research: Ritual, relationship, and theory in an indigenized participatory process in southwest Alaska", 2011 Native Children’s Research Exchange, Denver, Colorado. September 01, 2011.
Allen, J. R. "Small sample research ethics", Advancing Science with Culturally Distinct Groups: Improving Small Sample Methods for Establishing an Evidence Base in Health Disparities Research, Fairbanks, Alaska. August 01, 2011.
Allen, J. R., Henry, D., Fok, C. C. "Adapting a brief measure of the relationship dimension in Yup’ik Alaska Native families", Society for Community Research and Action Conference, Chicago, Illinois. June 01, 2011.
Fok, C. C., Allen, J. R., Henry, D. "Multidimensional assessment of culturally mediated coping strategies using the Multicultural Mastery Scale for Youth", Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada. April 01, 2011.
Fok, C. C., Allen, J. R. "Engaging community consultation in analysis of intervention research with American Indians/Alaska Natives", National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, Washington. January 01, 2011.
Allen, J. R., Charles, W., Rasmus, S., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Cultural intervention for youth to prevent suicide and alcohol abuse in Yup’ik communities in Alaska: Implications for an evidence-based practice", NIDA Conference: Building Bridges: Advancing American Indian /Alaska Native Substance Abuse Research; A State of the Science Conference, Rockville, Maryland. October 01, 2010.
Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S., Ford, T., Fok, C. C., Henry, D. "Cultural intervention for youth to prevent suicide and alcohol abuse in Yup’ik communities in Alaska: Implications for an evidence-based practice", 2010 Native Children’s Research Exchange, Denver, Colorado. August 01, 2010.
Boden-Aballa, B., Allen, J. R., Stephens, L., Kairaiuak, J., Johnson, J., Horner, R., Trimble, B. "Utilization of a culturally-tailored survey to identify barriers to vascular risk reduction among Alaska Native people", 2010 8th Specialized Neuroscience Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 01, 2010.
Allen, J. R., Kairaiuak, J., Boden-Aballa, B., Trimble, B. "Tribal participatory research framework for stroke prevention community intervention with Alaska Native people", 2010 8th Specialized Neuroscience Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 01, 2010.
Allen, J. R., Wexler, L., Kral, M., Ulturgasheva, O. "Circumpolar Youth Resilience Study: Community-based processes and outcomes from year two", Pathways to Resilience II Conference, Resilience Research Centre, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. June 01, 2010.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Fok, C. C., Henry, D., Rasmus, S., Ford, T. "A cultural intervention for youth to prevent suicide and alcohol abuse in Yup’ik communities in Alaska", International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway. June 01, 2010.
Ford, T., Wexler, L., Baldwin, L., Ulturgasheva, O., Kral, M., Nystad, K., Allen, J. R., Rasmus, S. "Circumpolar Indigenous pathways to adulthood: Preliminary findings from SW Alaska site and development of a cross-site comparative methodology in international collaborative research", 2010 International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway. June 01, 2010.
Allen, J. R. "Elluam Tungiinun: A model of community collaboration in prevention of suicide and alcohol abuse", Hope and Resilience: Suicide prevention in the Arctic, Nuuk, Greenland. November 01, 2009.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Ebbesson, G., Alstrom, D. "Doing CBPR: The People Awakening Projects", American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. August 01, 2009.
Allen, J. R. "Matching professional interests with the Fulbright", American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. August 01, 2009.
Mohatt, G. V., Allen, J. R. "Intervention research to establish evidence-based practices for Arctic populations", NIH and U.S. Arctic Research Committee Conference: Behavioral and Mental Health Research in the Arctic: Strategy Setting Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska. June 01, 2009.
Allen, J. R., Butler, J. "Epidemiology of behavioral and mental health disorders in the circumpolar Arctic: Suicide", NIH and U.S. Arctic Research Committee Conference: Behavioral and Mental Health Research in the Arctic: Strategy Setting Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska. June 01, 2009.
Allen, J. R., Alstrom, S., Orr, E. "Communicating with the community: Community dissemination of research results", Alaska Native Health Research Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. March 01, 2009.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Ebbesson, G., Alstrom, D. "Outcomes from the People Awakening Prevention Pilot Project", Alaska Native Health Research Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. March 01, 2009.
Mohatt, G. V., Allen, J. R., Ebbesson, G., Alstrom, D. "Developing cultural activities in Alaska Native communities using the Qungasvik", Alaska Native Health Research Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. March 01, 2009.
Mohatt, G. V., Allen, J. R., Aholstrom, D. "Developing an evidence base for prevention practice: The Ellangneq Studies", National Center for Minority Heath and Health Disparities: Health Disparities Summit, Washington, District of Columbia. December 01, 2008.
Mohatt, G. V., Allen, J. R., Ebbesson, G., Alstrom, D. "Building evidence for cultural interventions to prevent youth substance abuse and suicide risk: The Ellangneq Studies", American Public Health Association Annual Convention, San Diego, California. October 01, 2008.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Fok, C. C., Henry, D., Burkett, R. "Predictors of Alaska Native adolescent sobriety and reasons for living: A protective factors model for substance abuse and suicide prevention among Alaska Native youth", Native Children’s Research Exchange, Denver, Colorado. October 01, 2008.
Allen, J. R., Kral, M., Mohatt, G. V., Ulturgasheva, O., Wexler, L. "Negotiating pathways to adulthood: Social change and Indigenous culture in four circumpolar communities", Arctic Science Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska. September 01, 2008.
Thomas, L., Donovan, D., Allen, J. R. "The Canoe Journey Intervention Model with Native American youth", American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts. August 01, 2008.
Allen, J. R. "Trauma, involuntary acculturation, and resiliency: International refugee mental health", American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts. August 01, 2008.
Ebbesson, G., Alstrom, D., Allen, J. R. "Elluam Tungiinun: A model of community collaboration in substance use disorders research and intervention", Annual School on the Addictions, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2008.
Allen, J. R. "Developing evidence-based alcohol and suicide prevention interventions for rural Alaska Native youth", Healing from the Center Conference, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2008.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G., Burket, R., Gonzalez, J., Trimble, J. "Participatory research cultural framework for prevention science with Alaska Natives", American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. August 01, 2007.
Allen, J. R. "Forced acculturation and trauma: A human rights perspective for refugees and Indigenous people", University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska. August 01, 2007.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V. "Developing evidence-based alcohol and suicide prevention interventions for Alaska Native youth", National Rural Health Association Multiculturalism Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2007.
Allen, J. R. "Community as collaborator or informant? Research ethics in rural Alaska with Indigenous communities: Misalliances in the Barrow Alcohol Study. Responsible conduct in research", University of Alaska Fairbanks Center for Research Services Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska. January 01, 2007.
Novins, D. K., Freeman, B., Thurman, P. J., Iron Could-Two Dogs, E., Allen, J. R., LeMaster, P. L., Deters, P. B. "Principles for participatory research with American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Lessons from the Circles of Care Initiative", 2006 Conference on Indigenous Suicide Prevention Research and Programs in Canada and the United States: Setting a Collaborative Agenda, Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 01, 2006.
Thomas, L., Allen, J. R. "People Awakening Project: Pathways to sobriety", Alaska Native Best Practices Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2005.
Allen, J. R., Thomas, L., Mohatt, G. V. "'Tied together like a woven hat': Protective and recovery factors in Alaska Native sobriety", Annual School on the Addictions, Anchorage, Alaska. May 01, 2005.
Allen, J. R. "Multicultural assessment supervision: Process, interpretation, and report writing", Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, California. March 01, 2005.
Boyer, B., Allen, J. R. "Biomedical and behavioral health research with Alaska Natives at the University of Alaska: Present and future", University of Alaska Academy 2003, Anchorage, Alaska. February 01, 2003.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Hazel, K. L., Stachelrodt, M., Scoville, D., Thomas, L., Trimble, J. "Protective factors in Alaska Native sobriety", American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois. August 01, 2002.
Mohatt, G. V., Allen, J. R., Hazel, K. L., Stachelrodt, M., Foster, D. M. "Recovery factors in Alaska Native sobriety", Research Society of Alcohol, San Francisco, California. January 01, 2002.
Allen, J. R., Mohatt, G. V., Hazel, K., Stachelrodt, M., Hensel, C., Fath, R. "Sobriety among Alaska Natives: A life history approach", American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California. August 01, 2001.
Mohatt, G. V., Hazel, K. L., Allen, J. R., Stachelrodt, M., Hensel, C., Fath, R. "Participatory research methods with Alaska Natives: People Awakening as case example", Inaugural Alaskan Summer Neuroscience Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska. July 01, 2001.
Deaton, S., Allen, J. R. "Ch’eghutsen': Culturally–based service system for Alaska Native children: A case example of tribal–university collaboration", Society for Community Research and Action Biennial Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. June 01, 2001.
Allen, J. R. "Assessment training for practice in American Indian and Alaska Native settings", Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Maui, Hawaii. May 01, 2001.
Allen, J. R. "Ch’eghutsen’: A system of care for Alaska Native children and participatory action research on sobriety with Alaska Natives", Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, Fairbanks, Alaska. May 01, 2001.
Snipes, M., Allen, J. R. "Ch’eghutsen’: Culturally appropriate mental health services for Alaska Native children", National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Anchorage, Alaska. April 01, 2001.
Doorack, J., Allen, J. R., Battalglia, J. "Seasonal Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia", National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Annual Convention, San Diego, California. July 01, 2000.
Doorack, J., Allen, J. R., Battaglia, J. "Seasonal Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia in the extreme north", 50th Arctic Academy of Science Conference (AAAS), Denali National Park and Reserve, Alaska. September 01, 1999.
Shelton, P., Bush, A., Allen, J. R. "Seasonal variation of human event related potential P300 waves", 49th Arctic Academy of Science Conference (AAAS), University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska. September 01, 1998.
Allen, J. R., Schuldberg, D. "Proverb interpretation in a schizotypal population", the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah. April 01, 1998.
Allen, J. R. "What kinds of assessment are needed by American Indian/Alaska Native Individuals and Communities?", Society for Personality Assessment Annual Convention, San Diego, California. March 01, 1997.
Seaton, B., Allen, J. R. "Interrater reliability and the Rorschach", Society for Personality Assessment Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado. March 01, 1996.
Allen, J. R. "Strategies for culturally competent personality assessment with American Indians: Cultural identify, service delivery styles, and instrument selection", Society for Personality Assessment Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado. March 01, 1996.
Thompson, L., Allen, J. R., Kofoed, L. "Relation of negative symptoms in schizophrenia to rural social functioning", American Psychological Association Convention, New York, New York. August 01, 1995.
Nelson, C., Allen, J. R. "Efficacy of a multimedia computer hospitalization preparation program in the reduction of children’s medical fears", American Psychological Association Convention, New York, New York. August 01, 1995.
Thompson, L., Allen, J. R., Kofoed, L. "Relation of negative symptoms in schizophrenia to rural social functioning", American Psychological Association Convention, New York, New York. August 01, 1995.
Seaton, B., Allen, J. R., Vitale, P. "Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Rorschach factor structure with adolescent outpatients", Society for Personality Assessment Midwinter Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. April 01, 1995.
Englund, N., Allen, J. R. "Construct validity of the MMPI–2 Gm and Gf Scales: Factor structure and relation to second order factors of masculinity and femininity", Midwestern Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois. April 01, 1995.
French, C., Allen, J. R. "Predictors of psychological health and positive adjustment among American Indian college students", American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, California. August 01, 1994.
Allen, J. R. "Faculty diversity and white males: Confronting our professional socialization in psychology", American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, California. August 01, 1994.
Todd-Bazemore, B., Allen, J. R. "Issues in psychological assessment with Native Americans: Ethnic identity, moderator variables, the testing situation, and training issues", Society for Personality Assessment Midwinter Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. April 01, 1994.
Nelson, C., Allen, J. R. "Perceived anxiety in first graders associated with maternal hospitalization for childbirth and for surgery", Midwestern Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois. April 01, 1993.
Allen, J. R., Walsh, J. A., Murphy, K. C., Seekins, T. "Rural multidisciplinary pain center follow–up study: Evaluation with a no–treatment comparison group", American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, District of Columbia. August 01, 1992.
Allen, J. R., Walsh, J. A., Murphy, K. C., Seekins, T. "Dimensionality of the McGill Pain Questionnaire: A confirmatory factor analysis", Western Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California. April 01, 1991.
Allen, J. R., Walsh, J. A., Schuldberg, D. "Models of the Wisconsin Scales of Psychosis–Proneness: An empirical evaluation of latent structures", American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts. August 01, 1990.
Allen, J. R., Walsh, J. A., Schuldberg, D. "A confirmatory factor analysis of the Chapman Psychosis–Proneness Scales", Joint Western–Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Reno, Nevada. April 01, 1989.
Allen, J. R., Schuldberg, D. "Proverb interpretation in a schizotypal population", Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah. April 01, 1988.
Professional Memberships
- Society for Prevention Research
- Society for Indian Psychologists
- American Psychological Association