Dr. Kowalski’s research centers on maladaptive neuroplastic mechanisms within the sensorimotor system after neurological injury. Her lab focuses on identification of biomarkers and the effect of rehabilitation interventions across molecular and systems level neuroscience domains. Areas of particular interest include neurodevelopmental outcomes after perinatal stroke, with emphasis on development of assessments to promote early diagnosis and intervention.
Select Publications
Kowalski JL, Morse LR, Troy K, Nguyen N, Battaglino RA, Falci S, Linnman C. Resting state functional connectivity differentiation of neuropathic and nociceptive pain in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury. NeuroImage Clinical. 2023;38;103414.
Nemanich ST, Lench DH, Sutter EN, Kowalski JL, Francis S, Meekins G, Krach L, Feyma T, Gillick BT. Individualized anodal transcranial direct current stimulation modulates corticospinal excitability in children with hemiparesis due to early stroke. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 2023;43;27-35.
Kowalski JL, Nguyen N, Battaglino RA, Falci SP, Charlifue S, Morse LR. MiR-338-5p levels and cigarette smoking are associated with neuropathic pain severity in individuals with spinal cord injury: preliminary findings from a genome-wide microRNA expression profiling screen. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2022;103(4);738-746.
Kowalski JL, Hickey M, Rao R, Georgieff MK, Chen M, Gillick BT. Safety of single-pulse TMS in two infants with implanted ductus arteriosus closure devices. Brain Stimulation. 2020;13(3);861-862.
Behan M, Nawshin T, Nemanich S, Kowalski JL, Sutter E, Francis S, Dubinsky J, Fresse R, Rudser K, Gillick BT. A crossed-disciplinary evaluation of parental perceptions surrounding pediatric non-invasive brain stimulation research. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. 2020; 14(4); 623-640.
Kowalski JL, Nemanich ST, Nawshin T, Chen M, Peyton C, Zorn E, Hickey M, Rao R, Georgieff M, Gillick BT. Motor evoked potentials as potential biomarkers of early atypical corticospinal tract development in infants with stroke. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019;8(8);1208-1221.