Joyce Wahr, MD
Administrative Contact
Angela Chen
Executive Office & Admin. Specialist
[email protected]
B525 Mayo Memorial Building,
420 Delaware Street SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Dr. Joyce Wahr is a professor emeritus with the University of Minnesota Department of Anesthesiology. She was formally the Executive Medical Director of Perioperative Services with M Health Fairview, as well as the Vice Chair of Quality and Safety with the Department of Anesthesiology. Clinically, she is interested in quality improvement projects and initiatives that improve patient safety and recovery.
Residency in Anesthesiology, University of Michigan
Residency in Surgery, University of Michigan
MD, University of Colorado
Wahr, J., 2022. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet: defining patient safety-related terminology. British Journal of Anaesthesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia 128 (4): 605-607.
Wahr, J., Hanna, P., Regmi, Kalapara, A., Mulpuri, 2021. Alvimopan as part of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol following radical cystectomy is associated with decreased hospital stay.
Merry, A., 2021. Medication Safety during Anesthesia and the Perioperative Period. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Chau, C. T., Prielipp, R. C., Wahr, J. A., 2018. Prevention of Thrombophlebitis in Peripheral Intravenous Catheters: The Butterfly Effect.. Anesthesia and analgesia, 127 (6): 1287-1288.
PubMed ID: 30433918
Wahr, J. A., Catchpole, K., 2018. Deceptive defences: rethinking safety interventions in complex adaptive systems.. British journal of anaesthesia, 121 (6): 1196-1198.
PubMed ID: 30442243
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
Presidential Recognition Award, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, 2009
Portia Lubchenco Award, American Medical Women Association, 1978
Robert J. Glaser Award, University of Colorado Medical Center, 1978
Wahr, J. A. "AIRS Safety Tables", American Society of Anesthesiology - ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Boston, Massachusetts. October 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "Practical Tools to Improve Patient Safety", American Society of Anesthesiologists, Boston, Massachusetts. October 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "Mind The Gap: Practical Tools and Methods to Improve Cardiac Anesthesia Human Factors, Safety, Quality, and Reliability", American Society of Anesthesiology - ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Boston, Massachusetts. October 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "Brains, Blood, and Guts", Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium, San Diego, California. October 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "Perioperative Cardiac Evaluation of the Adult Patient", Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "ERAS for Percutaneous Valve Replacements", Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 01, 2017.
Wahr, J. A. "Herding Cats and Birthing Elephants, Why is Patient Safety so Hard?", OR Grand Rounds, M Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Implementing a Cardiac PSH", American Society of Anesthesiologists, Chicago, Illinois. October 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "A System Wide Blood Management Governance Committee: The Role of the Transfusion Safety Officer", Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, Grand Rapids, Michigan. September 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Disruptions and Distractions in the Cardiac Operating Room", Winter Meeting 2016, Perfusion Downunder, Queenstown, New Zealand. August 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Team Work in the Cardiac Operating Room", World Congress of Anesthesiology, World Congress of Anesthesiology, Hong Kong, China. August 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Herding cats & birthing elephants, Why is patient safety so hard?", Winter Meeting 2016, Perfusion Downunder, Queenstown, New Zealand. August 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Herding Cats and Birthing Elephants, Why is Patient Safety so Hard?", Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Distractions and Disruptions in the Cardiac Operating Room: Moving from Chaos to Calm", 36th Annual Meeting, Cardiovascular Research and Education Foundation, Long Beach, California. February 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Herding Cats and Birthing Elephants, Why is Patient Safety so Hard?", 36th Annual Meeting, Cardiovascular Research and Education Foundation, Long Beach, California. February 01, 2016.
Wahr, J. A. "Patient Safety in the Cardiovascular Operating Room: Teamwork and Human Factors", European Society of Anesthesiologists, Berlin, Germany. May 01, 2015.
Wahr, J. A. "Awareness During Anesthesia", 35th Annual Meeting, Cardiovascular Research and Education Foundation, San Diego, California. February 01, 2015.
Wahr, J. A. "Patient Safety in the Cardiac Operating Room", 35th Annual Meeting, Cardiovascular Research and Education Foundation, San Diego, California. February 01, 2015.
Wahr, J. A. "Twenty years of research into patient safety in the CVOR: What have we learned?", American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. October 01, 2014.
Wahr, J. A. "FOCUS on Patient Safety: Tools and Techniques", Annual Meeting, European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists, Florence, Italy. September 01, 2014.
Wahr, J. A. "Patient Safety in the Cardiac Operating Room", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists. October 01, 2013.
Wahr, J. A. "FOUCS: a Look Back", Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. April 01, 2013.
Wahr, J. A. "Preoperative Preparation of the Cardiac or Pulmonary Patient for Non-Cardiac Surgery", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology 17th Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. January 01, 2013.
Wahr, J. A. "Dilemmas in the Preoperative Clinic", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology 17th Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. January 01, 2013.
Wahr, J. A. "FOCUS Tools to Reduce Human Error in the Cardiac Surgery Operating Room", Workshop, Internation Congress on Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Auckland, New Zealand. November 01, 2012.
Wahr, J. A. "The Cardiac Surgery Translational Study: Update", International Congress on Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Auckland, New Zealand. November 01, 2012.
Wahr, J. A. "Learning from Defects", Problem Based Learning Discussion, International Congress on Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Auckland, New Zealand. November 01, 2012.
Wahr, J. A. "Hands-on Thoracic Workshop (Thoracic Epidural Placement)", American Society of Anesthesiologists. October 01, 2012.
Wahr, J. A. "Principles of Human Error: How Patients are not Safe", Meeting, International Caradiovascular Anesthesia, Beijing, China. November 01, 2011.
Wahr, J. A. "FOCUS Update", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists. October 01, 2011.
Wahr, J. A. "Hands-on Thoracic Workshop (Thoracic Epidural Placement)", Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists. April 01, 2011.
Wahr, J. A. "How to Change when Change is Hard", CPB Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Whistler, BC, Canada. February 01, 2010.
Wahr, J. A. "Myocardial Ischemia and Anemia", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology 5th Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. January 31, 2001.
Wahr, J. A. "To Err is Human: Lessons Learned from Cardiac Arrests in the O.R.", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology 5th Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. January 31, 2001.
Wahr, J. A. "Myocardial Ischemia and Anemia", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology 5th Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. January 29, 2001.
Wahr, J. A. "Case Presentation & Review of QA Data", Combined Surgery/Anesthesiology M & M Conference, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. September 21, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Measure of Merit", Medical Education Scholars Program, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. September 12, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Transfusion Practices in North America vs. Europe", 7th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Breakfast Roundtable, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Quebec City, Canada. June 03, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Alternatives to Red Blood Cell Transfusions", 7th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Society of Cardiovascular Anestheisologists, Quebec City, Canada. June 03, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Massive Transfusion", Spring Workshop, Michigan Association of Blood Banks, East Lansing, Michigan. May 11, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Risks Associated with Under Transfusion", 1st Annual Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives, Barcelona, Spain. January 31, 2000.
Negele, J. C., Schoenfisch, M. H., Baliga, N., Mowery, K. A., Meyerhoff, M. E., Wahr, J. A. "Nitric-oxide Releasing Indwelling Oxygen Sensors: Thromboresistivity and Performance in Dogs", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 2000.
Wahr, J. A., Ramsay, J. G., Matthews, J. P., Gilbert, H. C., Higgs, W., Liard, J. F. "RSR 13 and Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery: Safety and Improved Outcomes", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 2000.
Wahr, J. A., Tait, A., Goldman, E. B., Tremper, K. K. "(Un)Informed Consent for Tranfusion: A Survery of Current Practice in the U.S.", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 2000.
Wahr, J. A. "Blood Substitutes", Fall Cyberconference, Michigan Association of Blood Banks, Ann Arbor, Michigan. October 07, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Blood Substitutes-- Where Are We?", Current Topics in Blood Banking Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. June 04, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Historical Perspectives of Cardiac Care Contracts-- DRG's. Carve Outs, Center of Excellence", Annual Meeting (Workshop), Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Chicago, Illinois. April 25, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Transfusion Practices in Cardiovascular Surgery", Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Chicago, Illinois. April 25, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Allosteric Modification fo Hemoglobin & Perioperative Ischemia", Symposium, Ischemia Research and Education Foundation, Chicago, Illinois. April 24, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Hematologic Problems During the Perioperative Period", Regional Referesher Course, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Phoneix, Arizona. January 24, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "Recent Advances in Blood Substitutes", Regional Referesher Course, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Phoenix, Arizona. January 24, 1999.
Huang, E., Hallock, L., Marksteiner, E., O'Reilly, M., Wahr, J. A. "Presence of coronary artery disease(CAD) is associated with elevated tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in patients coming for cardiac surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1999.
Huang, E., O'Reilly, M., Zhou, D., Remick, D., Wahr, J. A. "The inflammatory response to acute dissection of the thoracic aorta", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1999.
Zhou, D., Marksteiner, E., Wahr, J. A., Huang, E., La Du, B. "Incidence of a variant of human paraoxonase/arylesterase (PON) gene in patients coming for cardiac surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1999.
Marksteiner, E., Zhou, D., Huang, E., O'Reilly, M., Wahr, J. A. "Administration of blood products does not alter inflammatory response to cardiac surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1999.
Wahr, J. A. "A room-temperature stable hemoglobin (HBOC-201) eliminates allogeneic red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in post-operative cardiac surgery patients", Circulation. November 01, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "What Price Glory? The Cost of Improving Outcomes", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Orlando, Florida. October 19, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Current Status of Oxygen Carrying Solutions", 6th International Congress of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Santiago, Chile. September 05, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Aprotinin and Lysine Analogues. What are the facts?", Blood and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Symposium, Valle Nevado, Chile. September 01, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Cardiac Arrest in the Perioperative Period", Fifth Annual Anesthesiology Update Seminar, Hilton Head, South Carolina. July 11, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Techniques for Limiting Allogeneic Blood Use", Fifth Annual Anesthesiology Update Seminar, Hilton Head, South Carolina. July 11, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Update on Blood Substitutes", Fifth Annual Anesthesiology Update Seminar, Hilton Head, South Carolina. July 11, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Tolerating Anemia-- How Long Can We Go?", Current Topics in Blood Banking Annual Conference, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. June 05, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Update on Clinical Trials of Blood Substitutes", Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Seattle, Washington. April 29, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Myocardial Ischemia in Anaemic Patients", Perioperative Anaemia: Risk and Treatment, University of Graz, Graz, Austria. March 28, 1998.
Monk, T. G., Winston, R. S., Wahr, J. A., Frei, D. W., Wang, J., Keipert, P. E. "A prospective evaluation of the effects of perflubron emulsion on oxygen dynamics in patients undergoing moderate blood loss surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics modeling of the effects of an allosteric hemoglobin modifier, RSR 13, in surgery patients receiving general anesthesia", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 1998.
Monk, T. G., Winston, R. S., Wahr, J. A., Frei, D. W., Wang, J., Keipert, P. E. "Safety and coagulation profile following administration of perflubron emulsion in patients undergoing moderate blood loss surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1998.
Wahr, J. A. "History of Transfusion", Annual Meeting; ASA Panel on Blood Substitute, American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Diego, California. October 21, 1997.
Wahr, J. A. "Massive Transfusion: (Patho) Physiology", Midwest Association of Blood Banks Annual Meeting, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. October 08, 1997.
Wahr, J. A. "Blood Substitutes: Perfluorocarbons & Hemoglobin Solutions", Annual Meeting (Workshop), Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Baltimore, Maryland. May 01, 1997.
Wahr, J. A. "Cardiac Arrest in the Operating Room: Who, When, and Why?", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. February 07, 1997.
Wahr, J. A. "MIDCAB: Coronary Artery Bypass without Cardiopulmonary Bypass", Practical Updates in Anesthesiology, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. February 07, 1997.
Wahr, J. A. "Current Status of Blood Substitutes", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. October 22, 1996.
Wahr, J. A. "Current Status of Blood Substitutes", Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan. September 24, 1996.
Wahr, J. A. "Techniques for Limiting Allogeneic Blood Transfusions", Gynecologic/Urologic Oncology Conference, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. April 16, 1996.
Wahr, J. A. "Current Status of Blood Substitutes", University of New York, New York, New York. February 07, 1996.
Faithfull, N. S., Wahr, J. A., Trouwborst, A., Spence, R. K., Keipert, P. E., Flaim, K. E. "Initial Phase II Efficacy Testing to Assess Oxygen Transport by Perfluorochemical Emulsion during Surgical Haemodilution", Transfusion. January 01, 1996.
Wahr, J. A., Rosenberg, J. M., Reigger, L. Q., Naughton, N. N., Griffith, C. M. "Intraoperative cardiac arrest: incidence and outcome", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 1996.
Soltow, L. O., Spiess, B. D., Wahr, J. A., Herskowitz, A., Wright, I. H., Gillies, B. S., Mangano, D. T. "Does acadesine contribute to hypocoagulability after CABG surgery?", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 1996.
Wahr, J. A., Ramsey, J. G., Mangano, C. M., Jain, U., Body, S., Shaneweis, J., Mangano, D. T. "The hemodynamic effects of escalating dosages of draflazine in CABG surgery patients", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 1996.
Wahr, J. A. "Update on Transplantation", Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. April 01, 1995.
Wahr, J. A., Childs, K. F., Olszanski, D. A., Hassan, S., Bolling, S. F. "Dicholoroacetate enhances metabolic and functional recovery in isolated rabbit hearts", Anesthesia and Analgesia. January 01, 1995.
Wahr, J. A., Meyerhoff, M. E., Yang, V. C., Yun, J. H., Lee, L. M., Lou, X. C. "Accuracy of a new haprin responsive electrochemical sensor", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1995.
Wahr, J. A., Lau, W., Tremper, K. K., Hallock, L., Smith, K. "Accuracy of a new, portable, hand-held blood gas analyzer, the Irma", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1995.
Wahr, J. A., Tremper, K. K., Anderson, M. M., Giacherio, D., Hallock, L., Raglin, K., Hughes, G. "Effect of a cell saving device on blood containing HBOC, a bovine cross-linked polymerized hemoglobin solution", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1995.
Rosenberg, J. M., Wahr, J. A., Oh, Y. S., Sung, C. H., Heckenkamp, L. "Coronary perfusion pressure during cardiopulmonary resuscitation after spinal anesthesia in dogs", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1995.
Wahr, J. A. "Cardiovascular Pharmacology", Annual Meeting, University of Chicago, Department of Anesthesiology, Chicago, Illinois. December 04, 1994.
Wahr, J. A. "Techniques of Hypothermia", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, California. October 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A. "The Current Status of Surgical Blood Transfusion in the United States", Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan. February 01, 1994.
Friedman, A. S., Mangano, C. M., Matthew, J. P., Wahr, J. A., Jain, U. "Gender differences in perioperative myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction after coronary artery bypass graft surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A., Ramsey, J. G., Jain, U. "Incidence of myocardial ischemia in patients receiving propofol or morphine/midazolam for ICU sedation following CABG surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A., Comunale, M., Fabian, J., Parks, R. "Association between preoperative hypkalemia and adverse cardiac events in patients undergoing CABG surgery", Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Montreal. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A., Comunale, M., Fabian, J., Parks, R. "Association between preoperative hypkalemia and adverse cardiac events in patients undergoing CABG surgery", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A., Ramsey, J. G., Jain, U. "Incidence of myocardial ischemia in patients receiving propofol or morphine/midazolam for ICU sedation following CABG surgery", Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Montreal. January 01, 1994.
Jain, U., Wahr, J. A., Communale, M., Bellows, W., Matthew, J. "Myocardial ischemia and infarction during coronary artery bypass graft surgery with a pharmacokinetics based propofol infusion", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A., Trouwborst, A., Spence, R. K., Henny, C. P., Tremper, K. K., Cernaianu, A. C., Lau, W., Vasilidze, T. V., Faithful, N. S., Flaim, K. E., Keipert, P. E. "A pilot study of the efficacy of an oxygen-carrying emulsion, Oxygent, in patients undergoing surgical blood loss", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1994.
Olanski, D. A., Wahr, J. A., Childs, K. F., Bolling, S. F. "The Mechanism of dichloroacetate's action on postischemic myocardial function", J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. January 01, 1994.
Wahr, J. A. "Women in Medicine: Sharing the Power", Annual Meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists, Washington, DC. October 01, 1993.
Wahr, J. A. "Anesthesia and the Failing Heart", Anesthesia Grand Rounds, Catherine McAuley Medical Center, Ypsilanti, Michigan. April 01, 1993.
Rosenberg, J. M., Smith, K. A., Wahr, J. A. "The effect of vancomycin infusion on cardiac function in patients prior to cardiac surgery", Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, San Diego. January 01, 1993.
Woodcock, B. J., Wahr, J. A., Hallock, L., Smith, K. "Propofol levels on cardiopulmonary bypass during computer controlled IV anesthesia", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1993.
Wahr, J. A. "Anesthetics Techniques in Patients with Poor Left Ventricular Function", Greater Detroit Area Anesthesiologists, Royal Oak, Michigan. January 01, 1993.
Wahr, J. A. "The Use of Co-Induction Techniques in Cardiac Patients Coming for Surgery", Toledo Society for Anesthesiologists, Toledo, Ohio. December 01, 1992.
Wahr, J. A., Childs, K. F., Olanski, D. A., Bolling, S. F. "Dichloroacetate enhances myocardial recovery following global ischemia", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1991.
Wahr, J. A. "Isoflurance Induced Coronary Steal: An Iconoclast Looks at the Data", Annual Meeting, Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Mackinac Island, Michigan. September 01, 1988.
Wahr, J. A., Hantler, C. B., Gallager, K., Knight, P. R. "Halothane and isoflurane effects on myocardial blood flow during aortic cross clamping in dogs with a critical coronary stenosis", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1988.
Wahr, J. A. "An Overview of Myocardial Metabolism", Medical College of Virginia, Department of Anesthesiology, Richmond, Virginia. October 01, 1986.
Wahr, J. A., Gallager, K. P., Tait, A., Hantler, C. B., Knight, P. R. "Who stole the Forane steal? Effect of halothane and forane on myocardial blood flow in dogs with critical stenosis", 8th Annual Meeting, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Montreal. April 01, 1986.
Hantler, C. B., Vandenbosch, M., Landau, S., Palis, N., Felbeck, P., Wahr, J. A., Knight, P. R. "Anesthetic effects on AV node function in the presence and absence of thiopental", Anesthesiology. January 01, 1985.
Professional Memberships
Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists
American Heart Association
Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
American Society of Anesthesiologists