Research Summary/Interests
Development of movement based diagnostic classifications and criteria that reliably and validly identify shoulder movement dysfunction. Biomechanical investigations of new and existing movement examination techniques and technology to assist clinicians in improving diagnosis and treatment of shoulder injuries.
Research Funding Grants
- Keynote Speaker, University of Minnesota, Division of Physical Therapy, Doctoral of Physical Therapy Class of 2017 Commencement Ceremony
- New Investigator Award, Orthopaedic Section, American Physical Therapy Association. $15,000. PI: “Clinical Diagnosis and Functional Implications of Shoulder Multidirectional Instability”
- University of Minnesota Research Evaluation and NIH Commercialization HUB (MN-Reach Grant) $150,000. Co-PI: “3D Shoulder Motion Measurement Device: The MnMotion System™” Ludewig PM, Staker JL
- University of Minnesota MSA/COGS Graduate Student Teaching Award
- MnDrive Graduate Scholar Assistantship
MnDrive Robotics, Sensors, and Advanced Manufacturing Initiative College of Science and Engineering/State of Minnesota
- University of Minnesota Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Scholarly Travel Grant
- Florence P Kendall Post-Professional Doctoral Scholarship
Foundation for Physical Therapy
- Ludewig PM, Kamonseki DH, Staker JL, Lawrence RL, Camargo PR, Braman JP. Changing Our Diagnostic Paradigm: Movement System Diagnostic Classification. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2017;12(6):884.
- Staker JL, Lelwica AE, Ludewig PM, Braman JP. “Three-dimensional kinematics of shoulder laxity examination and the relationship to clinical interpretation.” International Biomechanics. 2017 December 15; 4(2):77-85. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2017.1370753.
- Lawrence RL, Schlangen DM, Schneider KA, Schoenecker J, Senger AL, Starr WC, Staker JL, Ellermann JM, Braman JP, Ludewig PM. “Effect of glenohumeral elevation on subacromial supraspinatus compression risk during simulated reaching.” J. Orthop. Res. 2017 Oct;35(10):2329-2337. doi: 10.1002/jor.23515.
- Lawrence RL, Braman JP, Staker JL, LaPrade RF, Ludewig PM “Comparison of 3-dimensional shoulder complex kinematics in individuals with and without shoulder pain – Part II: Glenohumeral joint.” J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014; 44(9):646-655.
- Editorial Response: Ludewig PM, Braman JP, Lawrence RL, Staker JL. “Expanding the discussion on movement versus pathoanatomic diagnosis.” J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2013;43(9):675.