K.P. Madhu

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division
Cardiac Imaging and General Cardiology, Department of Medicine


Administrator Info
Name: Bill Clark
Email: wclark10@umphysicians.umn.edu
Mail: 420 Delaware ST SE
MMC 508 Mayo
8508A (Campus Delivery Code)
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Dr. Madhu's clinical practice comprises noninvasive cardiac imaging (including echocardiography, cardiac CT, and cardiac MRI) and general cardiology. His general-cardiology clinic treats all adult patients, including those with congenital heart disease, valvular disease, and coronary-artery disease.

Research Summary

In addition to cardiac imaging, Dr. Madhu is interested in computer-enhanced acoustic diagnostic techniques. He has partnered in biomedical engineering research to improve stethoscope technology, and is currently involved in clinical studies to determine whether preliminary diagnosis of coronary and carotid blockages can be accurately determined using an electronic acoustic recording instrument.

Clinical Summary

General cardiology; Valvular heart disease; Coronary artery disease; Marfan's syndrome; Adult congenital heart disease; Echocardiography; Cardiac MRI; Cardiac/coronary CT angiography

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

Madhusoodanan KP, Prakash MN, Chawla S, Missri JC. Images in cardiology: Cabrol perfusion graft. Clinical Cardiology 2000;23:216-217,
Soucier R, Silverman D, Abordo M, Jaagosild P, Abiose A, Madhusoodanan KP, Therrien M, Lippman N, Dalamagas H, Berns E. Propafenone versus ibutilide for post operative atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery: Neither strategy improves outcomes compared to rate control alone (the PIPAF study). Medical Science Monitor 2003;9:PI19-PI23,
Setty SP, Bass JL, Madhusoodanan KP, Liao KK. Transesophageal echocardiography guidance for repair of complex cardiac injuries. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2006;82:2289-2292,
Park SJ, Liao KK, Segurola R, Madhu KP, Miller LW. Management of aortic insufficiency in patients with left-ventricular assist devices: A simple cooptation stitch method (Park's stitch). The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;127:264-266,
Guion Johnson M, Tewfik A, Madhu KP, Erdman AG. Using voice-recognition technology to eliminate cardiac-cycle segmentation in automated heart-sound diagnosis. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 2007;41:157-166,