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I am a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health and the Director of the Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team – Health Equity (MK-MDT) at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth Campus. I am a medical anthropologist with over 25 years of experience conducting community-based participatory research (CBPR) with Indigenous and rural communities. My research pursues scientific questions that support health equity and employ methods that disrupt traditional power relations.
My recent work in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias has incorporated translational aspects such as cultural adaptations of clinical tools for use with Indigenous populations and translating ethnographic data into culturally appropriate health promotion materials. I hold methodological expertise that includes CBPR, Indigenous methodologies, two-eyed seeing, qualitative and ethnographic methods, and highly integrative research designs. I currently lead three large multi-site studies on dementia in Indigenous and rural populations: The American Indigenous Cognitive Assessment Project (NIA R01AG074231), which seeks to create the first cognitive assessment designed for Indigenous populations in the US; Indigenous Cultural Understandings of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias-Research and Engagement (NIH-NIA R01AG062307) a multi-site community-based ethnographic research concerning Indigenous experiences and knowledge of dementia; and Community Engaged Rural Dementia Research (UMN AIRP) to develop a robust program of dementia research with rural populations in Minnesota. I am the founder and current co-chair of the International Indigenous Dementia Research Network (IIDRN) and am funded by NIA to host an annual conference for five years aimed at sharing scientific knowledge, building collaborations, and mentoring (1R13AG085939-01).
As a leader, I am fully committed and deliberate in my actions to equalize the academic landscape for under-represented groups by creating structures, processes, and opportunities to support equity. At Memory Keepers, I have created structures to support Indigenous colleagues, such as building a ceremonial smudging room, establishing an Elder-in-Residence position, and fostering community participation through an Indigenous Advisory Council representing the 11 Tribal Nations in Minnesota. Over my career, I have consistently incorporated capacity building into my activities at the community and academic levels and have contributed to and supported the careers of prominent Indigenous academics and health researchers through grant funding and mentorship.
Complete list of publications available in My Bibliography https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/kristen.jacklin.1/bibliography/public/
Fellow, Gerontological Society of American (2024-present)
Reviewer Neuropsychological Application of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests (2022-2023)
2923 Margaret Hart Distinguished Visitor, University of Manitoba, College of Nursing
2016 Northern Ontario School of Medicine “Scholar” Faculty Award
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Doctoral Fellowship #752-99-1273 (1999-2003)
Invited Oral Presentations at International Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc. (last 5 years)
Jacklin, K. Uplifting culturally grounded approaches to enhance dementia care for Indigenous Peoples. Government of Ontario: Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, Ministry of Long-Term Care, and select areas within Ministry of Health and Ministry for Indigenous. September 25th, 2024.
Jacklin, K. Indigenous Brain Health Equity in North America and Beyond. Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting. May 11, 2023. Invited Plenary
Jacklin K., A multi-model pathway to address age-related dementias care needs in Indigenous populations. University of Manitoba, College of Nursing. Margaret Hart Distinguished Visitor Lecture. May 9, 2023.
Jacklin, K. Walker, J., Crowshoe L. The Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment. University of Calgary Grand Rounds – Dementia. December 9th, 2023
Jacklin, K. Supporting Culturally Safe Dementia Education in Indigenous Communities. Alzheimer’s Society Nova Scotia Provincial Conference. Virtual. Oct 28th, 2021
Jacklin K. A Dementia Career Path with an Indigenous Focus. Global Brain Health Institute Seminar Series. Virtual. June 2, 2021.
Jacklin, K. ‘Translational’ Research to Address Dementia Care Needs in Indigenous Populations. Human Sciences Seminar Series. Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay, ON Canada. February 13th, 2020.
Invited Oral Presentations at Local and Regional Professional Meetings, Conferences, etc. (Last 5 years)
Jacklin, K. “Understanding Dementia in Indigenous Populations: Research Honoring Indigenous Knowledge. Honoring Elder’s Wisdom – Giiwedinong Conference. Northern Lights Casino, Hotel & Event Center, Walker, MN. April 5, 2022.
Jacklin K., Translational Research to Support Culturally Safe Approaches to Dementia Care for Indigenous Peoples. Neurology Grand Rounds. University of Minnesota Medical School. Virtual Feb 25, 2022.
Jacklin K. Dementia inequities in Indigenous populations: translation of ethnographic community-based participatory research findings to culturally safe dementia care tools. March 1, 2021. Minnesota Demography and Aging Seminar Series, University of Minnesota.
Peer-Reviewed/Volunteered Oral Presentations at Professional Meeting, Conferences, etc. (Last 5 years)
Forthcoming Authors: Jacklin K, Blind M, Warry W, Lambrou N, Dertinger M, Gleason C, Zuelsdorff M, Ketcher D. Indigenous Explanatory Models of Dementia: Results from Healthy Older Adults in North America. Gerontological Society of America 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States.
Forthcoming Ketcher, D., Blind, M., Warry, W., Pitawanakwat, K., Budreau, J., Dertinger, M., Williams, M., Jacklin, K. (2024, November 13-16). Including community members in qualitative analysis: Lessons from an Indigenous Dementia Project [conference presentation]. Gerontological Society of America 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States
Kristen Jacklin PhD, Dereck Salisbury PhD, Joshua Fergen PhD (2024) Addressing Rural Dementia Disparities in Minnesota with CBPR. National Rural Health Association Rural Health Equity Conference May 6th, 2024 - New Orleans, LA
Pitawanakwat, K., Blind, M., Pederson, C., Johnson, J., Trudeau, R., Strong, L., Summers, M., Lambrou, N., Ketcher, D., Dertinger, M., Martin, W., Lewis, J., Warry, W., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C., Jacklin, K. (2023) “The richness of Indigenous languages in explaining concepts around aging and dementia: Examples from the Indigenous Cultural Understandings of the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias – Research & Engagement (ICARE) project. International Indigenous Dementia Research Network (IIDRN) Conference, Honolulu, HI. November 7-9, 2023. (Oral Presentation).
Johnson, J., Blind, M., Pederson, C., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Lambrou, N., Ketcher, D., Dertinger, M., Martin, W., Lewis, J., Warry, W., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C., Jacklin, K. (2023) Traditional Knowledge Keepers (TKK) Understandings of Dementia and the Medicine Wheel teachings: Perceptions on aging, caregiving, and the four stages in the circle of life. International Indigenous Dementia Research Network (IIDRN) Conference, Honolulu, HI. November 7-9, 2023. (Oral Presentation).
Jacklin, K., Ketcher, D., Blind, M., Pederson, C., Johnson, J., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Lambrou, N., Dertinger, M., Martin, W., Lewis, J., Warry, W., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C. (2023) Identifying ways to make dementia diagnosis culturally safe among Indigenous communities in the Great Lakes Region, USA: Evidence from the ICARE project. International Indigenous Dementia Research Network (IIDRN) Conference, Honolulu, HI. November 7-9, 2023. (Oral Presentation).
Fergen J, Soderlund P, Warry W, Jacklin K. “Everybody just lumps it all together as ‘I’m Old and Confused’”: Community perceptions and understandings of dementia in the Northern Rural Midwest. Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, Burlington, VT August 2nd - 6th, 2023.
Jacklin, K., Blind, M. J., Warry, W., Ketcher, D., Lewis, J. P., Pederson, C., Johnson, J., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Martin, W., Lambrou, N. H., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C. E. (2023). Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team: Addressing Indigenous dementia disparities through deep exploration of culture and community-specific context. Poster Presentation. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Jacklin, K., Blind, M. J., Ketcher, D., Warry, W., Lewis, J. P., Dertinger, M., Arrendondo, B., Pederson, C., Johnson, J., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Martin, W., Lambrou, N. H., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C. E. (2023). Formal care providers experiences with Indigenous understandings of the stages of dementia in diverse Indigenous communities in Canada and the United States. Poster Presentation. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ketcher, D., Jacklin, K., Blind, M. J., Warry, W., Lewis, J. P., Dertinger, M., Arrendondo, B., Pederson, C., Johnson, J., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Martin, W., Lambrou, N. H., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C. E. (2023). Relational, community dementia care for all: Observations and lessons from on-reservation providers, administrators, and formal caregivers in the US and Canada. Poster Presentation. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Warry W, Fergen J, Soderlund P, Cruikshank K, Jacklin K. (2023) Location Dynamics in Northern Rural Minnesota: Barriers and Facilitators for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Diagnosis and Care. Poster Presentation. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lambrou, N., Blind, M., Ketcher, D., Pederson, C., Johnson, J.,Hill, A., Dertinger, M., Koski, J., Trudeau, R., Pitawanakwat, K., Strong, L., Summers, M., Martin, W., Warry, W., Lewis, J.P., Zuelsdorff, M., Gleason, C.E., Jacklin, K. Indigenous cultural understandings of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias – research and engagement (ICARE): relationships between cultural strengths, education and stigma. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. San Diego, CA July 31-August 4, 2022. (Oral Presentation)
Walker JD, O’Connell ME, Crowshoe L, Jacklin K, Boehme G, Hogan DB, Pitawanakwat K, Blind MJ, Warry W, Akan N, Patterson C, Allaby C. 2020 Adaptation of the Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment in three provinces and evidence for validity. Alzheimer’s Association Internation Conference – Featured Research Session (Virtual Event, 2020)
Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)
Member, Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
Member, American Anthropological Association, Medical Anthropology Section (AAA)
International Indigenous Dementia Research Network
Council Member, Alzheimer’s Association MN-ND Medical & Scientific Council
Co-Chair and Founder, International Indigenous Dementia Research Network