I received my BA in psychology from Colorado College in Colorado Springs, graduating cum laude. I completed an MS and PhD in clinical psychology from Texas A&M University in College Station and a clinical psychology predoctoral internship at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System.
I am an adult research psychologist and focus on geriatric neuropsychology and late-life neurodegenerative diseases. I hold a clinical research position at the Minneapolis VA Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC). My interests focus on predictors of cognitive health and disease with advancing age, and assessment strategies for clinical characterization and outcome measurement in late-life neurodegenerative disease. Other specific areas of interest include the maintenance of intact cognitive functioning in the presence of neurological disease or insult, the early identification of progressive cognitive deficits, and the development of assessment strategies for monitoring cognitive change over time.
Professional outreach and public service are important to me, and I am currently a member of the Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota – North Dakota Chapter Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee.