Dr. Jayasinghe is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Divisions of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science. She received her BS in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. She then attended the University of Southern California where she received both her MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Jayasinghe completed postdoctoral training at Pennsylvania State University’s College of Medicine prior to joining the U of M. Dr. Jayasinghe uses her engineering foundation to study clinically relevant questions related to upper limb movement. She is specifically interested in exploring the role of cognition in sensorimotor control in chronic stroke survivors.
PhD, University of Southern California
Major: Biomedical Engineering
MS, University of Southern California
Major: Biomedical Engineering
BS, Summa cum laude, Georgia Institute of Technology
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Scheidt, R. A., Sainburg, R. L., 2022. Neural Control of Stopping and Stabilizing the Arm. FRONTIERS IN INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE, 16
doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnint.2022.835852
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Sarlegna, F. R., Scheidt, R. A., Sainburg, R. L., 2021. Somatosensory deafferentation reveals lateralized roles of proprioception in feedback and adaptive feedforward control of movement and posture. CURRENT OPINION IN PHYSIOLOGY, 19: 141-147.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cophys.2020.10.005
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Ranganathan, R., 2021. Effects of Short-Term Mental Imagery and Supplemental Visual Feedback on Muscle Coordination in a Myoelectric Task. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 53 (1): 59-71.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00222895.2020.1723482
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Maenza, C., Good, D. C., Sainburg, R. L., 2021. Deficits in Performance on a Mechanically Coupled Asymmetrical Bilateral Task in Chronic Stroke Survivors with Mild Unilateral Paresis. SYMMETRY, 13 (8)
doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13081366
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Wang, R., Gebara, R., Biswas, S., Ranganathan, R., 2021. Compensatory Trunk Movements in Naturalistic Reaching and Manipulation Tasks in Chronic Stroke Survivors. JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS, 37 (3): 215-223.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1123/jab.2020-0090
Jayasinghe, Sarlegna, Scheidt, Sainburg, 2020. The neural foundations of handedness: Insights from a rare case of deafferentation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124 (1): 259-267.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00150.2020
Lee, M., Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., 2020. Self-controlled practice and nudging during structural learning of a novel control interface. PLOS ONE, 15 (4)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223810
Jayasinghe, Shanie A. L., Good, D., Wagstaff, D. A., Winstein, C., Sainburg, R. L., 2020. Motor Deficits in the Ipsilesional Arm of Severely Paretic Stroke Survivors Correlate With Functional Independence in Left, but Not Right Hemisphere Damage. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 14
doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2020.599220
Jayasinghe SAL, 2019. The role of sensory stimulation on motor learning via action observation: a mini review.. Journal of neurophysiology, 121 (3): 729-731.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00747.2018
PubMed ID: 30517045
Liyanagamage, S. A., Bertucco, M., Bhanpuri, N. H., Sanger, T. D., 2017. Scaled Vibratory Feedback Can Bias Muscle Use in Children With Dystonia During a Redundant, I-Dimensional Myocontrol Task. JOURNAL OF CHILD NEUROLOGY, 32 (2): 161-169.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0883073816671830
Maenza, C., Sainburg, R. L., Varghese, R., Dexheimer, B., Demers, M., Bishop, L., Jayasinghe, S. A. L., Wagstaff, D. A., & Winstein, C. IPSI Investigative Team, 2022. Ipsilesional arm training in severe stroke to improve functional independence (IPSI): Phase II protocol. BMC Neurology,
doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12883-022-02643-z
Dr. Jayasinghe’s research interests are in motor neuroscience and neurorehabilitation, specifically in examining mechanisms of upper limb motor control to develop non-invasive and personalized tools for stroke rehabilitation. Currently, she is focused on understanding the role of lateralized motor and cognitive processes during movement, and how they influence functional outcomes in chronic stroke survivors with hemiparesis.
Research Funding Grants
- NIH, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, R21 (HD111748) 06/01/2023-05/31/2025. Title: The role of cognitive load on lateralized motor control processes. Role: PI
- NIH (5P2CHD101899-04 subcontract) 06/01/2023-11/30/2023. Title: C-STAR Collaborative Mentorship. Role: Subcontract PI (PI: Lieber)
- Medical School/UMF Assistant Professor Award, University of Minnesota: Aug. 2022-July 2023
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD059783) 2019-2022. Title: Predicting ipsilesional motor deficits in stroke with dynamic dominance model. Role: Postdoctoral Scholar (MPI: Sainburg, Winstein).
Research Interests
- Motor control
- Motor learning
- Neurorehabilitation
Invited talks
- University of Minnesota – Twin Cities - April 2023 Center for Neuroengineering, “The role of sensory feedback and cognition on movement control”
- University of Minnesota – Twin Cities - April 2022 Design of Medical Devices conference, “Neurorehabilitation Robotics” session “Examining hemisphere-specific movement deficits to develop personalized neurorehabilitation strategies”
- Marquette University - April 2021 Neuromotor control laboratory “NeuroGroup” series “Pursuing an academic career in motor control and motor rehabilitation”
- Marquette University & Medical College of Wisconsin - February 2021 Department of Biomedical Engineering “Motor lateralization and its role in stroke rehabilitation”
- Michigan State University - October 2017 Department of Kinesiology “Non-invasive sensory techniques for solving motor learning problems in rehabilitation”
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
Postdoctoral Association Spring Travel Award, Michigan State University, 2018
Jenny Wang Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Southern California , 2017
Fred Grodins Best Poster award - Neuroengineering, University of Southern California , 2015
Provost Fellowship, University of Southern California , 2011
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Alpha Eta Mu Beta Biomedical Engineering Honor Society, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Society of Women Engineers Annual Scholarship, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008
Jayasinghe, Shanie A.L., Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR), Charleston, South Carolina
Jayasinghe, S.A.L., Sainburg, R.L., & Sarlegna, F.R. "The role of proprioception in online movement control: Insights from reaching arm movements in a patient with Large Fiber Sensory Neuropathy", American Society of Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, California. March 14, 2023.
Dexheimer, B., Sandberg, C.W., Selby, K., Jayasinghe, S.A.L., Kantak, S.S., & Sainburg, R.L. "Anodal (excitatory) HD-tDCS demonstrates a contralateral role of the left posterior parietal cortex in interlimb transfer of learning.", Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. November 12, 2022.
Jayasinghe, S.A.L., Sainburg, R.L., & Sarlegna, F.R. "Visual perturbation type affects movement planning in the absence of proprioception. ", Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, United States. November 12, 2022.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Maenza, C., Good, D., Sainburg, R. L. "Deficits in performance on a mechanically coupled bilateral task in chronic stroke survivors with mild unilateral paresis", Society for Neuroscience. November 01, 2021.
Dexheimer, B., Sandberg, C. W., Selby, K., Jayasinghe, S. A., Kantak, S. S., Sainburg, R. L. "Anodal (excitatory) HD-tDCS dissociates a role of the left posterior parietal cortex in motor adaptation", Society for Neuroscience. November 01, 2021.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Maenza, C., Good, D., Sainburg, R. L. "Specialized roles of each hand during a mechanically coupled bilateral task in patients with mild hemiparesis and age-matched typical adults", American Society of Neurorehabilitation. April 01, 2021.
Jayasinghe, S. A. "Motor lateralization and its role in stroke rehabilitation", Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University & Medical College of Wisconsin. January 01, 2021.
Jayasinghe, S. A. "Pursuing an academic career in motor control and motor rehabilitation", NeuroGroup, Marquette University & Medical College of Wisconsin. January 01, 2021.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Maenza, C., Good, D., Winstein, C., Sainburg, R. L. "Kinematic measures of ipsilesional arm motor performance significantly predict both functional movement deficits and overall functional independence in moderate-to-severely impaired chronic stroke survivors", American Society of Neurorehabilitation, Chicago, Illinois. October 01, 2019.
Schaffer, J. E., Jayasinghe, S. A., Maenza, C., Sarlegna, F. R., Sainburg, R. L. "Somatosensory deafferentation produces deficits in predictive control of bilateral upper limb coordination and asymmetries in postural stabilization", Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois. October 01, 2019.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Schaffer, J. E., Maenza, C., Sarlegna, F. R., Scheidt, R. A., Sainburg, R. L. "Large-fiber sensory neuropathy produces asymmetrical deficits in limb movement and stabilization: in the absence of vision, the dominant arm drifts, while the non-dominant arm does not", Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois. October 01, 2019.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Ranganathan, R. L. "Mental imagery as a tool to change muscle coordination patterns in chronic stroke survivors", Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. November 01, 2018.
Jayasinghe, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Ranganathan, R. L. "Reorganizing muscle coordination using mental imagery and augmented visual feedback", Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Santa Fe, New Mexico. May 01, 2018.
Jayasinghe, S. A. "Non-invasive sensory techniques for solving motor learning problems in rehabilitation", Department of Kinesiology, Michigan State University. January 01, 2017.
Liyanagamage, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Bertucco, M., Ragusa, G., Sanger, T. D. "Task-congruent visualizations increase muscle awareness in subjects with dystonia during a one-dimensional myocontrol task", Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Montego Bay, Jamaica. April 01, 2016.
Liyanagamage, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Bertucco, M., Bhanpuri, N., Sanger, T. D. "Effects of different modes of vibratory feedback on muscle use during a redundant, one-dimensional myocontrol task", Biomedical Engineering Society, Tampa Bay, Florida, United States. October 01, 2015.
Liyanagamage, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Bertucco, M., Sanger, T. D. "Vibratory feedback and visualizations increase muscle awareness and task performance in subjects with dystonia during a redundant, one-dimensional myocontrol task", Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois. October 01, 2015.
Liyanagamage, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Bertucco, M., Bhanpuri, N., Sanger, T. D. "Effects of vibratory feedback on efficient muscle use during a redundant, one-dimensional myocontrol task", Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States. November 01, 2014.
Liyanagamage, S. A., (Author & Presenter), Bertucco, M., Bhanpuri, N. H., Sanger, T. D. "Preferential use of muscle after vibratory feedback during a two-muscle myocontrol task", Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Amsterdam, Netherlands. April 01, 2014.
Professional Memberships
American Society of Neurorehabilitation
Society for the Neural Control of Movement
Society for Neuroscience