Research Summary/Interests
I am a Research Occupational Therapist at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and the Minneapolis Adaptive Design & Engineering (MADE) program. My 20+ years of clinical experience drives my motivation to investigate novel technologies that can support individuals with disabilities across the lifespan and enhance rehabilitation outcomes. My research focus is on Veterans with limb loss who experience post-amputation pain. To accomplish my research objectives, we will pair feedback from expert clinicians on current best evidenced based practices and Veteran end-users in the design of novel technologies. Taken together, this work will guide the development of practical, novel technologies and rehabilitation interventions. This research plays a key role in fulfilling our commitment to optimizing care for Veterans with limb loss and facilitating greater participation in life and in the community.
Current Research Funding Grants
- VA’s Rehabilitation Research and Development Career Development Award-2 (CDA-2), Home-based rehabilitation intervention for phantom limb pain in Veterans with lower limb amputations
- Examining factors of phantom limb pain through person-centered assessment
- Work is supported by the VA’s Rehabilitation Research and Development service through awards to the Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Selected Publications
- Falbo K, Phelan H, Hackman D, Vogsland R, Rich T. Graded motor imagery and its phases for individuals with phantom limb pain following amputation: A scoping review Clin Rehabil, 2023: Mar;38(3):287-304. doi: 10.1177/02692155231204185.
- Rich TL, Truty T, Muschler K, Gravely A, Marth L, Barrett B, Mortimer D, Hansen AH. Virtual reality game selection for traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: A therapist’s wish list for game developers. Games for Health J, 2023:12(5). doi: 10.1089/g4h.2022.0174
- Rich TL, Falbo KJ, Phelan H, Gravely A, Krebs EE, Finn JA, Matsumoto M, Muschler K, Olney CM, Kiecker J, Hansen A. Clinician perspectives on post amputation pain assessment and rehabilitation interventions. Prosthet Orthot Int, 2023. Oct 3. doi: 10.1097/PXR.0000000000000284.
- Rich TL, Phelan HL, Gravely AA, et al. Veteran perspectives on phantom limb pain and non-drug interventions. J Pain Res. 2023;16:1391-1400.
- Erbes CR, Ferguson J, Yang K, Koehler-McNicholas S, Polusney MA, Hafner BJ, Heinemann AW, Hill J, Rich T, Walker N, Weber M, Hansen A. Amputation-specific and generic predictors of participation among Veterans with lower limb amputation. PLOS One, 2022, July 7. PMID: 35797375
- Rich TL, Voss G, Fairhurst S. Matsumoto M, Brielmaier S, Koester K, Netoff TI, Hansen AH, Ferguson JE. Feasibility testing of a novel prosthetic socket sensor system. Disabil Rehabil, 2022 July 7. PMID 35797711.
- Rich TL, Marth LA, Brielmaier SM, Kiecker JE, Vogsland RJ, Macedo FJ, Ferguson JE, Hansen AH. Strategies for graded motor imagery for clients with phantom limb pain and cognitive impairment. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2022 Mar 25; PubMed PMID: 35333828.