Justin Hwang

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Transplantation


Administrator Info
Name: Linsey Roschen
Phone: 612-626-6553
Email: rosch053@umn.edu

Justin Hwang received his undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University in chemical engineering. He obtained his PhD degree in biochemistry in studying critical regulators of cell differentiation, survival and tumorigenesis. In 2020, he has completed his post-doctoral training at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. During this time, he developed genome-scale functional and analytical approaches to identify gene targets in lethal cancers, including metastatic prostate cancers and breast. At the University of Minnesota, his laboratory will examine novel regulatory genes that drive malignant behavior of cancers utilizing high throughput functional and clinical informatic approaches.

Research Summary

Cancer Functional Genomics Cancer Genomics Precision Therapeutics Cell Signaling Transcription 

Research Interest: Solid Tumor

Clinical Summary

Prostate Cancer; Cancer Progression, Precision Therapeutics