NEUR 7510

Neurology Clerkship


Patrick Puskala
Course Coordinator
[email protected]

Curriculum Focus
Clinical Level
Terms Offered



Catalog Description:   This required 4-week clerkship offers students the opportunity to work directly with neurologists in inpatient and outpatient settings. The goals of the neurology externship are to increase clinical skills in diagnosing and treating neurologic illnesses, to stimulate interest in clinical neurosciences, and to increase awareness of the role of the neurologist. It is hoped that upon completion of the course the student will be familiar with common neurological disorders and will have a sense for when neurologic consultation is appropriate.


View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.

Site Code Site Name Notes
MF-1068 UMMC - East Bank  
MF-1052 M Health Fairview Southdale Hospital  
HH-1000 HYBRID at Hennepin County Medical Center  
HH-1001 Hennepin County Medical Center  
HP-1015 Regions Hospital  
VA-1000 VA Medical Center

Complete onboarding as soon as possible after the drop/add deadline due to the length of the VA's onboarding process.


CentraCare - River Campus Clinic Neurology

CentraCare - Neurosciences Headache Center

St. Cloud Hospital

Students will rotate to all sites.

Required session attendance: See below for details about the weekly schedule and required session attendance.

Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode:  

The course includes two inpatient Clinical Weeks and two Brain Weeks. Students will alternate with half of each class taking Brain Weeks first followed by the Clinical Weeks and half taking Clinical Weeks first followed by the Brain Weeks.

CLINICAL WEEKS will take place on busy inpatient general and subspeciality neurology services.  Students may be expected to cover one Saturday between clinical weeks.  Students will be expected to identify a clinician (faculty, fellow or resident) for mid clerkship feedback.  In addition, students will be expected to submit on de-identified H and P (or consult note) by the end of the second Monday during their Clinical Weeks. This note will be used to provide the student with documentation feedback and coaching by Assistant Clerkship Director Dr. Abby Metzler.

BRAIN WEEKS provide students with both a review of foundational neuroscience (Brain Pods 1 and 2) and a comprehensive overview of neurology subspecialty content through a practical on-line library of neurology content created by UMN faculty (Brain Pods 3-13).  In addition, Students will take part IN-PERSON on Tuesday AMs in Team Based Active Learning where the will be challenged to share knowledge and team build to solve practical clinical neurology questions.  In addition, on Tuesday AMs students will, IN-PERSON, both practice the neurology exam (First Tuesday) and complete a competency assessment, the Neurological Examination Skill Assessment (NESA)-(second Tuesday).  Additionally students will tackle a Problem in Neurology Assignment (see description in Canvas) in small groups that will be assigned on the First Tuesday.  After identifying their assignment small groups may meet either in person or remotely to complete their assignment but each student will present their completed project IN-PERSON on the second Tuesday AM.  Finally students will be expected to complete and attest to completing online modules related to LCME required clinical diagnoses.  

A Pass/Fail Shelf Exam is scheduled for the last Friday AM of the Clerkship for all students.

Please note there is no Remote option for the Tuesday AM BRAIN WEEK activities. 

Example Schedule

Direct patient care:  Yes

Consent Requirement: Open to student scheduling

Grading Scale: P/N

Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed

Course equivalency:  INMD 7313 (VALUE), INMD 7413 (EPAC), INMD 7113 (REACH), INMD 7363 (HeLIX)