ADPY 7500

Psychiatry Clerkship


Lacey Bydlon
Course Coordinator
[email protected]

Curriculum Focus
Clinical Level
Terms Offered



Catalog Description:  The goal of the Psychiatry Clerkship is to prepare medical students to recognize, diagnose, and care for patients with psychiatric disorders encountered in most medical practices. Students will be assigned to work with interdisciplinary teams which will aid the student in meeting course objectives. Students will be assigned patients and will follow in-hospital. They will attend teaching rounds and a variety of teaching conferences. Each student will be required to view a series of lecture recordings and complete a clinical case report at their individual teaching sites. Case reports include the course and clinical outcome, in addition to a literature review of the crucial issues related to the case.

Canvas Site      Syllabus

Note: Contact the Course Coordinator for any syllabi for previous years. 

Sites: For a description of each clinical site, please click here.

View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.

Site Code

Site Name


MF-1069 (FU)

UMMC - West Bank - East Building


HH-1000 (HYB)

HYBRID at Hennepin County Medical Center


HH-1001 (HC)

Hennepin County Medical Center


HP-1015 (RH)

Regions Hospital


VA-1000 (VA)

VA Medical Center

Complete onboarding as soon as possible after the drop/add deadline due to the length of the VA's onboarding process.

MF-1073 UMMC - West Bank - West Building  
CO- 1115

UMMC - West Bank - West Building

UMMC - West Bank - East Building

Students will go to both sites


Required session attendance: Does not apply

Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode:  M-F, 8:00am-5:30pm

Direct patient care:  Yes

Consent Requirement: Open to student scheduling

Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed

Course equivalency:  INMD 7412 (EPAC), INMD 7352 (HeLIX), INMD 7218 (MetroPAP), INMD 7112 (REACH), INMD 7228 (RPAP), INMD 7312 (VALUE)