Welcome to President Gabel

Take a minute to remember your first day at a new school or job. What would have helped you get off to a great start? Was it nice (or would it have been nice) for your fellow students or co-workers to welcome you? To make a bit of a fuss?

That’s what we can do for President Gabel this week.

The inauguration of a new University president is a significant event, and the celebrations surrounding President Gabel’s inaugural week give us a chance to get to know her and to let her know us.

On Friday, Sept. 20, 10 – 11 a.m., you are invited to line Scholars Walk as President Gabel goes from McNamara Alumni Center to the front steps of Northrop Auditorium where she will deliver her inaugural address. I’m asking you to go if you can, give her a great Gopher welcome, show your support, and demonstrate the collegiality of our great University community.

So bring an umbrella or a jacket (or a sun hat) as the day requires, and let’s give her a warm Minnesota welcome whatever the weather may bring.