U of M Researchers Make Strides Regarding Diverticulosis

There are about 150,000 people admitted to hospitals each year for diverticulitis. This condition refers to an inflammation of an outgrowth within the colon, that has the potential to cause severe abdominal pain. Recently, emergency room visits for this condition have increased dramatically.

However, according to a study done by a number of Medical School researchers-- Mary KwaanMD, MPH; Anne-Marie E. Sirany, MD; Wolfgang B. Gaertner, MD; and Robert D. Madoff, MD-- this doesn't have to be the case. It was reported that the majority of those patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis could safely go home with a prescription for oral antibiotics after their hospital visits with a very low risk of returning to the ER.

Ultimately, the goal os this study is that hospitals and physicians alike can use these findings to develop more efficient emergency room protocols when it comes to diverticulitis. The next step would be to create and monitor a sort of feedback loop to monitor the protocol's effectiveness. Avoiding these unnecessary hospitalizations is crucial for reducing health care costs and applying hospital resources more effectively. Additionally, it could prevent potential patient exposure to hospital-acquired infections.

To read more on this study published in the Journal of American College Surgeons, visit this link.