More Baloney

I read all the feedback on all the messages, but this one stopped me in my tracks. At first I laughed, but also realized there is a lot of information to be gotten from these two words. I am interpreting them to say that people have heard a lot about my philosophy and vision for the Medical School, and would now like more transparency about what is happening and how we plan to go forward.  

In January, we flipped the switch and set in motion the new Joint Clinical Enterprise (JCE) with Fairview. Among the changes, these points stand out:

  • UMP remains an independent group practice with the ability to fulfill our land-grant mission of working with systems and providers around the state both inside and outside the JCE.
  • Academic physicians have new leadership positions in the JCE. 
  • The Medical School is receiving support of our academic mission in recognition of how our research and education programs bring added value both to the JCE and the patients we serve.
  • UMN and Fairview are working together on the Wellness Alliance with the goal of restoring well-being and joy to the practice of medicine.

In January, UMPhysicians inaugurated a new Board with competency-based membership. Our CEO, Dr. Konety, is currently seeking nominations for the Practice Management Council. Faculty, UMP-only physicians and advanced practice providers are eligible. These steps will facilitate the effective, nimble governance essential to better serve our patients and communities.  

We have asked some Medical School faculty members to assume broader responsibilities as Associate Deans. They are taking this on in addition to their regular duties as a percentage of effort. In this way, we are creating more “surface area” for connectivity between leadership, faculty, staff and students by distributing responsibility and authority.

This is a time of change. It will require patience and adaptability, but it also offers the opportunity for creating and sharing better solutions at every level in the Medical School. You are in a unique position here. Take a look around. What are we doing well? Where are we missing the mark? What opportunities should we be aware of? Your input—your viewpoint—is critical. Please let me know what you see. That’s what the Feedback Button is for. You don’t need to write a long message. Sometimes two words is enough.