Congratulations AIAC Grant Recipients

I am pleased to announce the first round of initiatives funded by our Academic Investment Advisory Committee (AIAC). This is a direct and significant outcome of our new partnership with Fairview Health Services and will serve as a key part of our strategy for the Medical School as well as growth in M Health Fairview.

I am grateful to the members of the AIAC, led by co-chairs Bevan Yueh, MD, MPH, and Pete Mitsch, for the tremendous time, intellect, and effort on behalf of this process. I am equally grateful to the faculty who submitted proposals. By the quality and innovation shown in these proposals (successful and not yet successful) we have what it takes to meet our ambitious goals. The next opportunity for submission will be announced mid-October with some refinement of our process, but with the same focus on excellence.

We have funded proposals in each of our three mission areas to advance, energize, and catalyze new areas of scientific research, promote innovation in medical education, and improve clinical outcomes. 

Academic Investment Clinical Quality Program (AICP)

Alain Broccard, MD: Cardiopulmonary Sepsis Rapid Response Team (CPS-RRT) for Fairview
Alison Galdys, MD: Program to Improve Quality and Safety of Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Treatment (OPAT) at University of Minnesota Medical Center
Susan Kline, MD, MPH: Effectiveness of Screening and Decolonization of S. aureus to Prevent S. aureus Surgical Site Infections in Surgery Outpatients
Cuong Pham, MD: Chemical Dependency and Addiction Treatment (ChAT): An Interprofessional Consult Team Approach to Hospital-Based Addiction Care
Darrell Randle, MD: Strategic Initiative for Development of a Comprehensive and Collaborative Perioperative Healthcare Program

Academic Investment Education Program (AIEP)

Bryce Binstadt, MD, PhD, Clifford Steer, MD, and Erik Peterson, MD: Enhancing Physician-Scientist Training Programs (ePSTP)
Robert Englander, MD, MPH: Master Assessors and Coaches (MACs): Leading the Way for Workplace Based Assessment in Undergraduate Medical Education
Samantha Hoffman, MD: Creation of Robotic Simulation Curriculum among Surgical Residency Programs
Bonnie LeRoy, MS, Thomas Hays, PhD, and Heather Zierhut, PhD: Promoting the Integration of Genetics and Genomics into Clinical Care and Research in Minnesota
Andrew Olson, MD: The Medical Education Outcomes Center: Operationalizing the Learning Health System
Anne Pereira, MD, MPH: Fairview Longitudinal Integrated Interprofessional Clerkship

Academic Investment in Research Programs (AIRP)

Anja-Katrin Bielinsky, PhD and Eric Hendrickson, PhD: Novel Tools in Immunocology: Identification of Neoantigens Expressed During Cell Crisis
Alon Herschhorn, PhD and Ashley Haase, MD: Bioengineering Confromation-Stabilized HIV-1 Env Immunogens
Gulin Oz, PhD: Center for Cerebellar Network Structure/Function in Health and Disease
David Redish, PhD and Sophia Vinogradov, MD: Medical Discovery Team in Computational Psychiatry and Neuroplasticity Research
David Thomas, PhD: Structural Biology-Based Drug Discovery for Cardiovascular Aging and Disease

Please join me in congratulating our first round of grantees and thank you to all who participated.