Dr. Fudge has received two honors from the Special Olympics, recognizing her commitment and contributions to the organization.

Dr. Jessie Fudge connected with medicine early on. Her father is a sports medicine physician, and her mother is a pediatric physical therapist. Growing up, Dr. Fudge spent much time on the sidelines of sporting events. She saw how her mother helped with kids with disabilities by incorporating physical activity into treatment plans. 

Before medical school, Dr. Fudge started a volunteer group that brought together kids with physical and intellectual disabilities to engage in games, art, sports, and other activities. It was a life-changing experience for the kids, their parents, and the volunteers. At this point, Dr. Fudge recognized that she wanted this to be a part of her career. 

When she decided to go to medical school, the U of M was a great fit. As she describes it, “The U of M provided a full-spectrum introduction to medicine. I felt very prepared to treat patients of all ages and abilities.”  

In 2017, Kaiser Permanente became the official health partner for the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games. Dr. Fudge stepped in as Chief Medical Officer for the event. She oversaw all sideline medicine and preventative care for athletes. She also led a critical Special Olympics initiative called Healthy Athletes.

Through her experience with the 2018 games, Dr. Fudge has continued her volunteer commitment to the Special Olympics. She shared, “You really see how, through the power of sports and leadership training programs, full inclusion helps create better people and communities…for the athletes, volunteers, and anybody who touches the movement.”  

Dr. Fudge has received two honors from the Special Olympics, recognizing her commitment and contributions to the organization. In 2023, she received the Golisano Health Leadership Award through Special Olympics Washington. The award recognizes leaders who are creating change in the local community. In addition, she was recently named as a Global Medical Advisor for Special Olympics International and appointed to the Special Olympics Global Medical Advisory Committee, where she will help address health issues across Special Olympics International. 

Learn more about how to get involved with the Special Olympics here.