Genomic Subsidy Program
The subsidy program will provide discounted pricing for genomics services for Medical School faculty, up to a total of $450,000 per fiscal year. To qualify for the discounted pricing, the Principal Investigator must submit a request for the research project needing the services, with the level of subsidy determined by the faculty rank:
Professors - 10%
Associate Professors - 15%
Assistant Professors - 20%.
At the time of the request, the investigator must specify the project the service is needed for, the company/organization providing the genomic services, and the project chartstring.
The process for providing the discount will vary according to the service provider. For example, University of Minnesota Genomics Center (UMGC) users will indicate that the Medical School Research Office is covering a percent of the cost at the time the service request is submitted to UMGC, while for other vendors the investigator will need to submit their genomic service invoice after they have initiated payment to the vendor and the Medical School Finance team will process an expense transfer to discount the rate. Additionally, in order to have the data to evaluate the program, investigators will be asked to provide data about their service order(s) as a part of a progress report. The required process will be provided to the investigator as their program request is accepted by the Research Office.
If you have any questions about the Genomics Subsidy program, please contact Steph Hulting ([email protected]).