Gearity, A. R. "Navigating to support better emotional mastery", Osseo/Prairie Care (Oasis Program), COVID Webinar, March 2022.
Gearity, A. R. "Taking care of you so you can take care of them", MN Department of Early Childhood, COVID Webinar, March 2022.
Gearity, A. R. "Being at school", Eastern Carver County Schools, COVID Webinar, February 2022.
Gearity, A. R. "Regaining our sturdiness", Orono Schools, COVID Webinar, November 2021.
Gearity, A. R. "Preventing mental distress", Northside Institute, Northside Achievement Zone, August 2021.
Gearity, A. R. "Collaboration: A learning and teaching concept", Northside Institute, Northside Achievement Zone, August 2020.
Gearity, A. R. "How do we build the village for children now?", MSSA Webinar, August 2020.
Gearity, A. R. "Holding on to hope; for community partners and COVID in the fall- still here, for professional", Northland Foundation/Thrive Initiative, August 2020.
Gearity, A. R. "Taking of for this academic year: Lessons for wellness", Hopkins school district (August 2020).
Gearity, A. R. "COVID- and everything else worrying young children", Northland Foundation/Thrive Initiative, June 2020.