I have been a practicing otolaryngologist for over 25 years, having completed my training here at the University of Minnesota in 1997. I practiced for 13 years in the Seattle area before returning to the Twin Cities in 2012. I have thoroughly enjoyed returning to the academic institutions that trained me and having the opportunity to teach medical students and our surgical residents.
I enjoy a broad based general otolaryngology practice at Regions Hospital. My practice includes general pediatric otolaryngology, sinus disease, head and neck cancer, sleep apnea surgery, and maxillofacial trauma.
Undergraduate: Northwestern University, BS Biomed Engineering 1989
Medical School: Northwestern University Medical School (Feinberg School of Medicine), MD 1992
Internship: University of Minnesota, General Surgery 1993
Residency: University of Minnesota, Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery 1997
Graduate Degree: University of Minnesota, MS in Otolaryngology 1997
Awards & Recognition
Melvin E. Sigel Department of Otolaryngology resident Teaching Award, 1997
- Sturgis CD, Chang HS, Boudousquie AC “Cytology of “clear cell” variant of oncocytic / Hurthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid” Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2011; 39(8): 595 – 597.
- Chang HS, Hom DB, Agarwal RP, Pernell K, Manivel JC, Song C “The Effects of Angiogenic Growth Factor on Irradiated Porcine Skin Flaps” Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 1998; 124(3): 307-312.
- Ness JA, Chang HS, Grabowski CM, Marentette LJ “Osteoradionecrosis of the Anterior Cranium” Skull Base Surgery. 1996; 6(4): 259-266.
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%28Chang+HS%5BAuthor%5D%29+AND+%28University+of+Minnesota%5BAffiliation%5D%29&sort=date