Abdullahi, K.S., Montoya, S.A., Killebrew, K.W., Moser, H.R., Sponheim, S.R., Schallmo, M.-P. "Behavioral and EEG measures of binocular rivalry in people with schizophrenia", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 24, 2023.
Moser, H.R., Abdullahi, K.S., Miriyagalla, A., Montoya, S.A., Killebrew, K.W., Sponheim, S.R., Schallmo, M.-P. "Behavioral and EEG measures of contrast surround suppression mechanisms in people with schizophrenia.", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 23, 2023.
Mulder, C., Montoya, S.A., Lee, M.S., Engel, S.A., Schallmo, M.-P. "Photophobia and poor night vision are the most disruptive symptoms of visual snow syndrome.", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 22, 2023.
Killebrew, K.W., Moser, H.R., Grant, A.N., Sponheim, S.R., Anker, J., Schallmo, M.-P. "The effect of tobacco use on performance in a structure-from-motion task among patients with psychotic psychopathology.", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 21, 2023.
Montoya, S.A., Mulder, C., Lee, M.S., Schallmo, M.-P., Engel, S.A. "Visual snow is affected by contrast adaptation", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 19, 2023.
Basgoze, Z., Hayee, S., Talaie, P., Schallmo, M.-P., Marjańska, M., Cullen, K. R. "Anterior cingulate cortex metabolism in adolescent depression.", Society of Biological Psychiatry Meeting, San Diego, California. April 29, 2023.
Schallmo, M.-P., Killebrew, K.W., Demro, C., Sponheim, S.R., Marjańska, M. "Neurochemical alterations in occipital and prefrontal cortex measured with 7 T MRS as part of the Psychosis Human Connectome Project.", American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona. December 06, 2022.
Montoya, S.A., Lee, M.S., Engel, S.A., Schallmo, M.-P. "A new method for measuring visual snow symptoms.", Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, California. November 16, 2022.
Montoya, S.A., Less, M.S., Mudler, C., Engel, S.A., Schallmo, M.-P. "Quantifying visual snow symptoms with a matching task.", Optica Fall Vision Meeting, Rochester, New York. October 20, 2022.
Montoya, S.A., Lee, M.S., Engel, S.A., Schallmo, M.-P. "A new method for measuring visual snow symptoms.", Vision Sciences Society Meeting, St Pete Beach, Florida. May 18, 2022.