MED 7800

Acting Internship Internal Medicine Primary Care and Beyond


Mariah Ipsan
Course Coordinator
[email protected]

Curriculum Focus
Clinical Level
Terms Offered

Must be a 4th year student.


Catalog Description: The Internal Medicine-Primary Care and Beyond “PCB” elective centers around 4 main areas:  Patient Care, “Hot Topics”, Advocacy and Self-Reflection.  PCB offers students the opportunity to hone their clinical skills via direct patient encounters in the outpatient setting.  Students will interview, examine and educate patients, with the guidance of internal medicine preceptors.  Students will also attend lectures and other activities pertaining to unique topics not typically covered under existing medical school curriculum. This can vary based on site location (Twin Cities or Duluth). Students will actively participate in advocacy activities such as visiting a state legislator, writing letters to legislators, attending medical organization (such as Minnesota Medical Association, American College of Physicians) advocacy events, interacting with institutional advocacy committees, etc.  Finally, students will attend unique, interactive lectures provided by Abbott Northwestern General Internal Medicine Associates.  Lecture topics include:  "The Illusion of Medical Certainty", "The Story of Probability", "Medical Experts and Scientific Truth", "Heuristic Thinking", "Pitfalls in the Practice of Medicine", "Why William Osler Matters", "on Being a Doctor:  The Practical Wisdom of William Osler" and "The Physician as Leader".


Note: Contact the Course Coordinator for any syllabi for previous years. 

Sites: Site availability may vary.

View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table

Site Code

Site Name



Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates - Edina

Students will schedule into the AL-1014 site. See consent requirement section for scheduling at sites other than Abbott or Duluth - St. Luke's Hospital.
SL-1003 St. Luke's Hospital

Students will schedule into the SL-1003 site. See consent requirement section for scheduling at sites other than Abbott or Duluth - St. Luke's Hospital.

NOTE: For the Duluth Rotation, students should be prepared to attend some lectures virtually and possibly travel to the Twin Cities to visit a legislator.


Clinics and Surgery Center - Primary Care Clinic

Floor 4


VA Medical Center



Park Nicollet Clinic - St. Louis Park

Urgent Care

Required session attendance: Does not apply

Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode: 3.5-4 days patient contact, 1.5-2 days curricular activities

Direct patient care: Yes

Consent Requirement: AL-1014 and SL-1003 are open to student scheduling. Course Director approval is required for scheduling at other sites. Contact the course coordinator ([email protected]) with your preferred alternate site(s).

Grading Scale: P/N

Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed

Course equivalency: Does not apply