Acting Internship in Critical Care


Course Coordinator

Curriculum Focus
Clinical Level
MS Year
Terms Offered

Must be at least 6 weeks after the completion of MED 7500. SURG 7550 for all SICU placements. PED 7501 for all NICU/PICU placements. 


Catalog Description: To prepare medical students for internship and residency, through a clinically-focused experience focusing on higher acuity patients (ICU, IMC), clinical care, and emphasizing tasks necessary for internship. Students will coalesce the skills developed in the past three years and the knowledge of pathophysiology and clinical epidemiology in order to develop a reasoned differential diagnosis. Finally, students will plan a logical and practical diagnostic evaluation, using the principles of evidence-based medicine.
Note: Contact the Course Coordinator for any syllabi for previous years. 

Sites: Students will be placed at MICU, SICU, NICU and PICU slots at the following sites.

View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.

Required session attendance: 1/2 day orientation the first day, additional 1 hour demo/workshop in the first week, shifts

Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode: Mix of days and nights, 80 hrs/week

Direct patient care: Yes

Consent Requirement: Open to student scheduling

Course Objectives: By the end of this rotation, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the abilty to perform the tasks expected of an intern in the respective clinical environment.
  • Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation and management. Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation and management.
  • Formulate appropriate intial and ongoing health care plans for patients that takes into account each patient's values and goals.
  • Demonstrate the ability to serve as the primary physician provider for hospitalized patients with appropriate supervision.
  • Communicate and coordinate effectively with members of an interprofessional care team and with patients/families.
  • Demonstrate advanced clinical reasoning that takes into account evolving evidence, standards of care, and patient values, even with more complicated clinical conditions.

Graded Components: 

  • Clinical Assessment
  • Sub-Internship Portfolio

Grading Scale: P/N

Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed

Course equivalency: Does not apply

Students will be registered for the following courses:

  • MICU: INMD 7910
  • SICU: INMD 7911
  • PICU: INMD 7912
  • NICU: INMD 7913