INMD 7237
MetroPAP - Advanced Surgery and Procedures
Laurel Sweeney
RPAP/MetroPAP Coordinator
[email protected]
SURG 7550 or equivalent (INMD 7236)
Catalog Description: Students interested in caring for patients in a community context will have the opportunity to evaluate and participate in procedures and surgical care for a variety of conditions in various settings depending on site placement.
View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.
Site Code |
Site Name |
Notes |
AS-1000 |
Site will be assigned after drop/add deadline |
Various sites around Twin Cities metro assigned by MetroPAP. |
Direct patient care: Yes
Consent Requirement: Arranged
Course Objectives: Students will be able to evaluate patients with surgical conditions, participate in procedures, and recognize the needs of patients in a community context.
Graded Components: Clinical skills
Grading Scale: P/N
Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed
Limited to Student Type: Yes, limited to MetroPAP students
Course equivalency:
Related curricular experience:
Secure Exam:
Course evaluation: MedHub
Additional Courses in This Program