INMD 7860
Reflective Writing
Jennie Magner
Course Coordinator
[email protected]
Catalog Description: This elective aims to develop students’ ability to appraise and create medical reflective writing as a form of scholarship and creative expression. Students will be assigned daily readings of published medical reflection and spend time reflecting and creating their own medical reflections. Students are expected to complete at least two final pieces of written reflection for submission for dissemination through publication in medical or literary journals/magazines and/or public storytelling events.
Site Code |
Site Name |
Notes |
UM-1000 | MCC Olson Room | Some lectures to take place over Zoom |
Required session attendance: Students are required to attend the twice weekly check-in sessions with faculty and peers.
Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode: Largely self-directed. Daily readings assigned. Daily writing requirements. Twice weekly, 1-hour class meetings via Zoom (check-in, discussion, and feedback sessions).
Direct patient care: No
Consent Requirement: Arranged. Contact course coordinator for scheduling.
Grading Scale: P/N
Allow repetition of course: Repetition allowed
Course equivalency: Does not apply