FMCH 7700
UCAM Acting Internship Family Medicine
Elisabeth Arendt
Course Coordinator
[email protected]
Catalog Description: The Urban Community Ambulatory Medicine (UCAM) program; FMCH 7600, FMCH 7700, & FMCH 7511; is tailored to students who are considering a career in Family Medicine and who are passionate about providing care to underserved, lower income and ethnically diverse patients. UCAM provides 12 weeks of continuous ambulatory experience in an underserved urban community Family Medicine clinic.
Students are required to attend the Family Medicine Clerkship didactic sessions then UCAM’s final 8 weeks expands the Family Medicine Clerkship exposure to patient diversity, low income, multicultural urban medicine, and community health. The curriculum will include various topics in culture, reviewing important primary care clinical content, advocacy, and priorities in providing care to the underserved. Students will partner with their site for a 12-week quality improvement/community engagement/public health project that the student will present at the end of UCAM.
From a scheduling point of view, UCAM combines the 4 weeks of Family Medicine Clerkship with an Acting Internship (FMCH 7700) and 4-weeks of hands on elective credit (FMCH 7511). Inquiries should be directed to the Family Medicine medical student coordinator at [email protected].
Syllabus UCAM Application for Academic Year 2023-2024
View the site codes table
Site Code |
Site Name |
Notes |
UC-1000 |
UCAM - Site will be assigned after drop/add deadline |
Various Sites around the metro area |
Required session attendance: Weekly group learning sessions
Typical weekly schedule/Delivery Mode: M-F, 7:30am-5:00pm (varies by site)
Direct patient care: Yes
Consent Requirement: Arranged. Must be accepted to UCAM to complete this course.
Grading Scale: P/N
Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed
Course equivalency: Does not apply