Application Process

Applications for the Metropolitan Physician Associate Program 2026-2027 program year open in the Spring of 2025!
The MetroPAP longitudinal experience gives an opportunity to understand all the aspects of social determinants of health in an individual patient as visits occur over time, as well as an opportunity for personal involvement in a community, to explore how those aspects are addressed. Check out the MetroPAP FAQ page and the alumni videos on this page to hear directly about the student experience.
MetroPAP faculty members meet with finalists to evaluate their qualifications and needs.
Interviews will take place in September, either in person or virtually.
Before you start your application, review this document that has information to help you fill out your application. For your CV, we have provided this CV template to use as a guide. Your CV does not have to follow this template exactly but must include all information listed. Please contact us with any questions or requests for assistance with your CV. *Note that a letter of recommendation is not required as part of this application.
Info Sessions
MetroPAP will host several info sessions for MS1 and MS2 students. Details will be emailed out to students.
Each MetroPAP student receives a $20,000 tuition offset for participation in MetroPAP. $8,000 is deposited into students’ University accounts two times: once in August and once in January. The final $4,000 is deposited in May. This $20,000 stipend is not paid in addition to financial aid or loans - it counts against your tuition due. Payments are made based on students meeting MetroPAP program requirements. If you have any questions, contact the Medical School Office of Financial Aid, [email protected].
- A student should be a motivated, independent learner
- Must pass the USMLE Step I Board Exam
- Solid academic performance in medical school courses; passed all requirements to begin clinical experience
- Must successfully complete Medicine I clinical clerkship prior to MetroPAP
- Immunization schedule must be up-to-date
Breaks and vacations
MetroPAP students will not receive breaks according to the Medical School’s academic calendar (e.g., no spring break or winter break). Instead, they receive two weeks of vacation (10 weekdays + weekends) to schedule with the permission of their site and the MetroPAP office; throughout the program, the occasional sick day does not count against this total.

What MetroPAP students are saying about their experiences
Alumni Panel Video: Megan Conlon - Rachael Grundman - Lanre Adekola
Metropolitan Physician Associate Program
B615 Mayo Memorial Building
420 Delaware Street SE, MMC 293
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]