Needlestick Injury Protocol

Steps for Students Exposed to Blood Borne Pathogens:

  1. Wash the exposed area for 15 minutes with antimicrobial soap. If the Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure (BBPE) is to the eye(s), irrigate eye(s) with water for 15 minutes, preferably at the nearest eye wash station.
  2. Notify your preceptor/supervisor immediately. Your preceptor/supervisor is responsible for notifying the appropriate site director/manager and can assist in the identification and cooperation of the source patient.
  3. Identify the source patient if possible and complete page 2 of the form found here.
  4. Call Boynton Health at 612-625-7900.
    1. During Boynton business hours you will be connected to the Boynton Medical Information Nurse (MIN) who will obtain intake information and will contact the BBPE Case Management Team
    2. When Boynton is closed, an After Hours MIN will obtain intake information and will contact the Boynton BBPE Case Management Team the next business day.
    3. The MIN will ask for the information from page 2 of the form found here and instruct you on the next steps including if and where to seek care within the next two hours
    4. Boynton’s BBPE Case Management Team will manage your care and answer any questions about payment of your bills for care outside of Boynton.
  5. Notify the contact at your school or college as soon as possible after your immediate health needs are addressed. Office of Student Affairs,

Also see the policy: Educational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens and Tuberculosis, Section VII. Protocol for Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens During Educational Experiences.

Protect yourself from needlestick injuries

  • Plan for safe handling and disposal before using needles.
  • Dispose of used needles promptly in sharps disposal containers.
  • Complete annual blood borne pathogen training.
  • Get your hepatitis B vaccines.
  • Report all sharps-related injuries to your supervisor to ensure appropriate follow-up. 

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