Compact for Teaching & Learning

Compact for Teaching and Learning

An underlying principle of medical education at the University of Minnesota Medical School is that students, faculty and staff will collaborate to ensure that students attain their fullest potential and achieve the highest standards of learning the profession of medicine in an environment that is respectful, tolerant, supportive, grounded in sciences, innovative and centered around the care of patients. Such an environment will be sustained by cultivating responsibility, diversity, integrity, and accountability. We expect all members of the Medical School community, students, faculty and staff, to demonstrate these values and tenets of teaching and learning as a personal expression of their commitment to medical education, and as a reflection of our dedication to the development of physicians who strive to improve the human condition.

Tenets about Teaching—Commitments of the Faculty

Ensuring excellence in the achievement of learning of knowledge, skills, attitudes and critical thinking necessary for the practice of medicine to the next generation of physicians.

  • We strive for excellence and to provide the best possible educational experiences.
  • We will prepare thoroughly for teaching by providing current information and concepts from our discipline and by identifying gaps in current knowledge.
  • We will continuously ensure and improve the quality of our teaching through the on-going development of our skills as educators and by responding to feedback from both peer and students’ evaluations.
  • We know and comply with national and institutional policies and ensure that our expectations of students and ourselves are consistent with those policies.
  • We will provide timely and constructive feedback to our learners and exhibit the highest standards of professional behavior.
  • We will model honesty and integrity in all academic efforts including teaching, research, and patient care. We respect and value the intellectual property of others and use resources fairly.
  • We will clearly state the learning and behavioral expectations, assessments and opportunities for each course or experience and understand how these lead to the competency requirements of the educational program.
  • We will seek learning opportunities in any and every interaction with our students.

Ensuring a respectful and exemplary learning environment for students, faculty, residents, colleagues and patients.

  • We respect our peers, students and patients as unique individuals, without regard to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. We acknowledge that we have responsibilities as members of a collegial community, sharing knowledge and assisting peers in their quest to achieve professional and personal goals.
  • We will demonstrate respect for students and learning by starting and concluding teaching sessions on time, and by cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect for patients and learning.
  • We will make every effort to know our students as unique individuals, listen to their concerns, respond to them promptly, exercise concern for their well being, and treat them with compassion.
  • We will personally ensure a culture of patient and learner safety. We will take personal responsibility for our actions including errors and near-errors by full disclosure and analysis of need for change to prevent future similar events.
  • We will foster our students’ practice and discernment of professional ethics by assigning tasks that are appropriate for their phase of learning, level of clinical responsibility, and status as students. If an assignment conflicts with the personal ethics of a student, we will attempt to resolve the conflict in a manner that respects the student while placing priority on the well-being of the patient.
  • When planning and conducting educational activities, we will recognize our students’ needs for personal time and adequate rest and relaxation.
  • We will display the highest standards of professional conduct when interacting with patients, colleagues, faculty, and staff.

Tenets about Learning—Commitments of the Students

Participating in ongoing, life-long learning in the continuously evolving field of medicine.

  • We are responsible for gaining the skills and knowledge needed to fulfill our current and future professional responsibilities as physicians.
  • We will respect and appreciate the teaching role of the faculty and understand that the curriculum is designed to ensure our future competence as physicians. W ith continuous quality improvement in mind, we accept the responsibility to provide constructive evaluation of our courses and teachers.
  • We will work effectively in teams, respecting the contributions of all members, assuming our fair share of responsibility, and performing leadership tasks with a sense of service to others.
  • We will acknowledge and seek help when an assigned task is beyond our level of skill. If an assigned task conflicts with personal ethics, we will discuss this with the supervising physician/course director and seek a resolution that places priority on the interests of the patient.
  • We will practice the habit of critical reflection, acknowledging gaps in our understanding, recognizing our limitations, and striving for continuous self-improvement.
  • We will provide and create a culture of patient safety. We will take personal responsibility for our actions including errors and near-errors by full disclosure and analysis of need for change to prevent future similar events.

Attaining and displaying the highest levels of professional conduct and attitudes, as well as the skills and knowledge of the discipline of medicine.

  • We will dedicate the time and energy needed to accomplish our professional responsibilities.
  • We will display the highest standards of professional conduct when interacting with patients, colleagues, faculty, and staff.
  • We respect our peers, patients and faculty as unique individuals, without regard to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. We acknowledge that we have responsibilities as members of a collegial community, sharing knowledge and assisting peers in their quest to achieve professional and personal goals.
  • We will attend all required learning sessions and demonstrate respect for our faculty and peers by arriving on time and complying with all specific expectations defined by the faculty, including wearing attire that is appropriate for the setting.
  • We will practice honesty and integrity in all academic endeavors, including assessments, research efforts and patient care entries. We also respect the intellectual property of others and use resources in a way that demonstrates that respect. 

Tenets about Education—Commitments of the Office for Medical Education

Supporting exemplary learning and performance in our students’ academic, clinical, and professional training.

  • We strive for excellence in medical education in the areas of curriculum management, admissions, financial aid, student services and educational resources [including facilities and technology support].
  • We strive to promote the highest quality learning by providing the resources needed to enhance the educational experiences of faculty and learners.
  • We strive to keep faculty and students current on national and institutional policies and procedures.
  • We strive to involve students and faculty in the development of educational programs, policies and procedures.
  • We strive for continuous improvement in the educational program based on data received from students, faculty and current research in medical education.
  • We strive to facilitate the development of medical educators and learners by providing opportunities that advance competencies in teaching and learning.
  • We strive to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of our faculty and students.

Respecting all students, residents, colleagues, patients and faculty as individuals and in the roles they serve.

  • We will encourage an atmosphere that is respectful and supportive of every individual regardless of gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.
  • We strive to promote a learning environment that responds to the needs and recognizes the contributions of all individuals.


This document was drafted partially by relying on the following sources:

  1. Association of American Medical Colleges. The AAMCCompact Between Teachers and Learners of Medicine, 11/04/2001.
  2. National Board of Medical Examiners, Center for Innovation, The Behaviors of Professionalism, 03/20/2004.
  3. Southern Illinois School of Medicine (Office of Education and Curriculum), Compact Between Teachers and Learners of Medicine (Adopted 05/2005)
  4. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Compact Between Teachers and Learners
  5. Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Expectations of Faculty and Students in the Teacher-Learner Relationship

Submitted for review by Curriculum Committee, Twin Cities, June 6, 2008
Revisions from Curriculum Committee, Twin Cities review incorporated July 1, 2008
Revisions reviewed and approved by Education Council members, May 17, 2011