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Department of Biomedical Sciences
355 SMed
1035 University Dr
Duluth, MN 55812
PhD, University of DĂĽsseldorf, Germany
Major: Physiological Physchology
MA, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Major: Psychology
BA, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Major: Psychology
I am studying the specific role of cerebellum underlying neuropsychiatric disorders and neurobiological mechanisms of episodic memory. I completed my Ph.D. training in Physiological Psychology at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany, with expertise in systematic neuroscience and psychopharmacology. Then I moved to New Orleans LA, United States, to study neuro-cortical connections. Afterward, I have deep interest in how neurons communicate with each other and decided to move to Duluth MN, United States, for doing research associated with synaptic transmission. Presently I am working in the studies of autism and schizophrenia with the application of electrophysiology, in vivo Ca2+ imaging, chemogenetic, optogenetic, immunochemistry, behavior, and genetic animal models to decipher their intrinsic cerebello-cerebral circuitry.
Scholarship for Young Scientists, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Young Investigator Award, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF)
Society of American Psychological Association, Member
Society of Neuroscience, Member
The Journal of Behavioural Brain Research, Associate Editor
The Journal of Pharmacological Reports, Review Guest