Pilot Project Core
Applications are open for Spring of 2024.
Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 19th 5:00 pm.
Program Description
The objective of the Pilot Project Core is to support transformative ideas in neural circuit research on addiction through new projects. Awards will be for one year and up to $15,000 to assist in completion of a project. We expect to support up to 7 proposals.The objective of the Pilot Project Core is to support transformative ideas in neural circuit research on addiction through new projects.
- The award is open to faculty, postdocs, and graduate students with appointments at the University of Minnesota.
- Proposed projects should use one or more of the Center's other research cores (VIC, SCC, ICBC, or ACC) with an aim focused on addiction neuroscience.
- Preliminary data may be included but are not required.
Application Instructions:
Calls for applications are posted each year in March. Applications are accepted through March/April. Recipients will be notified of awards by late May or early June. Projects should begin no later than August 1st of the year the award is received.
- Applications should be submitted electronically by completing the online application survey, which will include uploading required materials.
- The following link will take you to the online survey: https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6mqLykjqchPqfbM
Required Information and Application Materials:
The online application survey will ask applicants to upload the following required information as a single PDF file (font and margins should be no smaller than 11 pt., and 0.5 inches, respectively):
1) Project Cover Sheet - cover sheet with the following:
- Contact information of applicant
- List of any associated PIs, Co-PIs, and/or Co-Is: First name, last name, primary department, email address, and role (e.g.., PI, Co-PI, or Co-I).
- Funding requested for the primary project (up to $15K)
2) Primary project description with timeline, key milestones, and expected outcomes (limit = 2 page).
3) Statement that describes which Center Research Cores will be engaged by the project, and how the project will address one or more of the program priorities (limit = 1/2 page).
4) Budget with justifications (limit = 1 page)
5) References (limit = 1 page).
6) If the research project has IRB or IACUC approval, please provide the protocol number and last approval date. If the project requires IRB or IACUC approval, but does not yet have it, provide a statement outlining a plan for obtaining IRB or IACUC approval, including estimated protocol submission and approval dates (limit = 1/2 page).
NOTE: Funds will not be released until the project has full IRB or IACUC approval. A delay of more than 6 months (from July 1) for IRB or IACUC approval could result in withdrawal of the award. Applications should not submit an application if they anticipate more than a 6-month delay for IRB or IACUC approval.
Review Process:
Proposals will be evaluated by internal University of Minnesota reviewers and external reviewers. The awards will be made by the Center for Neural Circuits in Addiction.
Pilot grant recipients will be expected to:
- Provide a progress report halfway through the project period (with continued funding contingent on progress). A final report is also due at the end of the award.
- Acknowledge the Center's support if discussing the project in media engagements, professional presentations (eg., talks, posters, community outreach), grant submissions, and publications.