Student Council & Government

Student Representation

The Medical Student Council is organized for the purpose of advancing the interests and well-being of the Medical School and its students. It is composed of four representatives from each class and two representatives from the Duluth campus (one for each class). Additionally there are representatives from several student organizations. The Council has several permanent committees, which address various areas of concern to medical students. These committees include the Student Peer Review Committee (Ethics Committee), Student Affairs and Council Affairs Committee, Academic and Administration Committee, Governmental and Professional Association Committee, and Community and Extramural Activities Committee. With the exception of the Student Peer Review Committee, all Student Council committees are open to any Medical Students who volunteer and are identified to the Council. 

The OSR is the student branch of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The AAMC is a not-for-profit organization representing all 129 accredited U.S. and 17 accredited Canadian medical schools. Membership in the OSR includes the Council of Deans (COD), Council of Academic Societies (CAS), Council of Teaching Hospitals (COTH), the Organization of Resident Representatives (ORR), and the OSR. Other groups within the AAMC of particular interest to medical students include the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) and the Group on Student Affairs (GSA). The GSA is subdivided into committees representing admissions, student financial assistance, minority affairs, student affairs, and registrars. 

Meetings and Student Feedback


Throughout your preclinical years, various monthly meetings will be held with Deans, directors, staff and students. These meetings are designed to provide an open forum for students to learn and discuss current medical school topics and issues. The schedule for these meetings is released each Fall.

Student Feedback

We value your opinions about course delivery and content, assessment of your knowledge, and your overall educational experiences. Each year improvements are made to the curriculum and learning environment based upon student suggestions. You will have various opportunities to provide feedback throughout the year:

  • Electronic Feedback cards are available, through the Learning Management System, for each lecture or lab session.
  • Talk directly to a faculty member, your Course Directors, or your Course Managers.
  • Course Evaluation: Students are asked to complete online course evaluations at the end of the semester to contribute to the continuout improvement process of our courses.
  • Peer Review Committee (PFC): Any student who observes a potential violation of either the Statement of Intellectual Responsibility or Medical Student Professionalism Code is obligated to report their observation to the Peer Review Committee.
  • Talk with your class representative to the Educational Council, the Scientific Foundations Committee, or the Clinical Education Committee.