1:1 Consultations

The Office of Learner Development (OLD) is committed to providing support and resources designed to promote successful performance efforts and wellbeing of all University of Minnesota medical trainees. We work from the perspective that all trainees have the capacity to develop needed competencies but that barriers related to efficiency and effectiveness also arise and can undermine these efforts. While more common skill and practice barriers can be helped through the informational presentations provided by the office, we also recognize that the individualized assets, needs, and life circumstances of each trainee exist and are better supported through individual consultation.

Contact & Scheduling:

Dr. Maryanne Reilly-Spong  
Confidential Bridging Counseling consultations: z.umn.edu/bridging
Other consultations: By email request 
DU Students:
Dr. Elizabeth Teschner
Confidential Bridging Counseling consultations:  z.umn.edu/oldduluth
Consultations: By email request

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Categories of Performance Consultation

  • Academic skills/strategies such as previewing, note-taking, and approaches to exam questions
  • Test-taking for pre-clerkship courses
  • Managing time & stress
  • Board & Shelf exam preparation
  • Consideration of other services and resources to address individualized needs

Categories of Wellbeing Consultation:

  • Cultivating student empowerment & growth
  • Providing direct support and referral options
  • Facilitating effective management of transitions
  • Support for unanticipated training and/or life events and experiences (e.g., mistreatment; losses)
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Exploration of services and resources for mental health concerns (such as anxiety, depression, and burnout).
  • Facilitating student engagement and networking


The first meeting is a consultation to better understand factors impacting performance and/or wellbeing and to consider options to mitigate these and develop plans for change. Options include ongoing work with Learner Development staff and/or referral to other resources. It is also important to know that OLD services are voluntary – we do not provide mandated services to students. 

All OLD services are compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) guidelines related to maintaining your privacy. For information shared in the Confidential Bridging Counseling office, special consideration is given to HIPAA and confidentiality, according to the APA ethics code and the Minnesota Board of Psychology. Any questions regarding confidentiality can be directed to [email protected].


See the contact and scheduling links above for OLD staff and services. Please note that the consultation dates/times found in the appointment links may be either limited or incompatible with your schedule. If either of these situations occurs, simply send staff an email that includes preferred days/times and we will work to find a mutual time to meet.

If you are unsure about whether you need performance or wellbeing consultation, or a Confidential Bridging Counseling appointment, reach out to us and we can help guide you