INMD 7314

VALUE Acting Internship Primary Care


Lacey Piotter-Jenkins
VALUE Coordinator

Curriculum Focus
Clinical Level
MS Year
Terms Offered



Catalog Description: This clinical curriculum takes place longitudinally throughout the duration of the VALUE LIC. Students work directly with a primary care physician preceptor to provide care to veteran patients in the context of the VA Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT), the VA-based patient-centered medical home model.


View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.

Site Code

Site Name



VA Medical Center


Direct patient care: Yes

Consent Requirement: Arranged

Course Objectives: By the completion of this clerkship, students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the role of the Primary Care Provider within a health care team
  • Work effectively as a member of the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) to deliver team-based care
  • Understand & apply the principles of preventive care
  • Develop communication skills and sensitivity to the psychosocial, sexual, and family components of medical problems
  • Practice evidence-based medicine in the context of primary care
  • Develop the habit of reflective practice necessary for success as a life-long independent learner
  • Develop skills necessary to be an advocate for patients and their families within the VA health system
  • Coordinate and integrate Veterans’ care across specialties
  • Understand fundamental aspects of military service-related exposures and traumas and their effects on Veterans’ health

Graded Components:

  • Clinical performance assessment by the primary preceptor
  • Completion of one independent learning activity (choice of reflective essay or learning prescriptions)
  • Patient continuity as demonstrated by multiple encounters with VALUE student’s panel patients across primary care and other inpatient and outpatient encounters
  • Completion of minimum number of Entrustable Professional Activities Assessments to be eligible for “honors” grade

Grading Scale: P/N


Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed

Limited to Student Type: Limited to VALUE students

Course equivalency: N/A

Related curricular experience:

Secure Exam:

Course evaluation: MedHub

Additional Courses in This Program: