
Report Card with A+

The Office of Assessment & Evaluation, for University of Minnesota Medical School, collects a variety of programmatic data; including individual course/clerkship performance, learner outcomes and achievement, and the overall success of the medical education program. A collection of an assortment of data via a range of sources and methods is essential for creating a landscape narrative of the entire program.

One attempt to communicate these data to faculty, students and administrators involved in the education process is through an Annual State of Education Report. This annual report, which is made available in the first quarter of each calendar year consists of universal quantitative and qualitative analysis of distinct components of our program, for both Twin Cities and Duluth campuses.

The table below includes descriptions of the sections of the annual report.

To request a report, email Jackie Gauer at [email protected]..

Annual State of Education Report

Report/Data Purpose/Objective


Collection Source Collection Period
Course/Clerkship Evaluations* Students' specific reaction to their learning experiences, materials, faculty teaching, feedback and evaluation after a course and clerkship is completed. MS1–4 Office of Education (TC), Education and Curriculum (D), Clerkship Depts. Conclusion of course or clerkship
Annual Course Review The Office of Assessment and Evaluation creates an Annual Course Review (ACR) for each course that summarizes data from course evaluations and the Graduation Questionnaire. Course Directors present their ACRs to the Scientific Foundations Committee (Twin Cities) or the Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education (Duluth).

Assessment and Evaluation, Course Directors, Curriculum, SFC, CUMED

Office of Undergraduate Medical Education

Annual Clerkship Review The Office of Assessment and Evaluation creates an Annual Clerkship Review (ACR) for each core clerkship and LIC that summarizes data from clerkship evaluations and the Graduation Questionnaire. Clerkship Directors present their ACRs to the Clinical Education Committee.

Assessment and Evaluation, Clerkship Directors, Curriculum, CEC

Office of Education (TC) Annually
Graduation Questionnaire* Perspective of graduating medical students' medical on their education overall as compared nationally to other medical schools. Categories include: Demographics, Premedical and Preclinical Experiences, Clinical Experiences, Elective Participation; Instruction time; General Preparedness; Student Services, Mistreatment, and Professionalism.   MS4 AAMC and sent to the Office of Education   4th year
Match Day Results* Statistical results that indicate the number of students selected to attend various residency programs and the geographical regions in which these programs are located. MS4  NRMP (National Residency Match Program) and sent to Student Affairs Prior to the start of med school year one
USMLE Scores* Step I, II (CK and CS2), and II National Board Licensing Exams. @MS2
NBME (National Board of Medical Education) and sent to the Office of Education  Spring for MS2 / Student chooses for MS3

 *Includes data from both Duluth and TC