Funding Opportunities
Various funding opportunities are available to students to assist them on special projects, groups and travel.
Student Travel Reimbursement
Twin Cities Campus
Funds are limited. Funds for Academic Year 2024-25 are open!
The Student Travel Fund supports travel by medical students to national and regional medical organization meetings (no international travel can be funded). Requests for funding may be submitted throughout the academic year. In order to ensure the fairest distribution of resources, a student may receive funding only once per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Please note: if you are requesting travel after June 1st, 2025, Med StuAff and Finance will require further details due to the processing payment deadline; however, travel request may not be approved if requested after June 1st, 2025.
To access travel funds from the medical school, please ensure you request them only when the preceptor or department where you conducted your research cannot provide financial support for your travel expenses. Before seeking medical school funds, all students in need of financial assistance must first approach their research preceptor or department to explore available funding options.
Applications must be approved before the travel, and funding occurs in the form of a reimbursement after travel and submission of receipts for the student’s approved travel budget. Maximum funding will be $800.00 per student; the amount awarded may be decreased if more than one student attends the same meeting. All University of Minnesota's Travel Policies must be followed.
All requests must be submitted PRIOR to the travel taking place
Funds are limited! Only a small number can be accepted per year (on a first come, first serve basis). These funds will be distributed for requests during the first ½ of the year (before 2025) and the second ½ of the year (beginning 2025).
Application Steps
- Complete a required W-9 form to be attached to your application request
- Funds/grants awarded to students are taxable income and require a W9 form submission
- NOTE: Your travel reimbursement checks will be sent to the address on your W9 form
- Submit a complete application request form
Criteria for consideration of student requests:
- Students must be in good academic standing and not yet graduated from the Medical School at the time of the actual travel
- To receive funding, students must fall into one of the following categories;
- be presenting at the conference they wish to attend (oral or poster presentation of original research)
- be attending the conference as a panelist or a national organizational officer
- be receiving an award at the conference;
- Impact: How will your trip benefit other students?
All student travel is also governed by the University of Minnesota's Travel Policy.
All requests must be submitted PRIOR to the travel taking place
Questions? Please contact the TC Student Affairs Office at
TC Travel Funding Request Form
Duluth Campus
The Student Travel Fund supports travel by medical students to national and regional medical organization meetings. Request for funding may be submitted throughout the academic year. In order to ensure fairest distribution of resources, a student may receive funding only once during the fiscal year, July – June, with rare exceptions. Funding occurs in the form of a reimbursement after submission of receipts for approved budget. Maximum funding will $800.00 per student. The amount awarded may be adjusted if multiple students attend the same meeting.
Criteria for consideration of student requests:
- You must be in good academic standing
- Highest priority will be given for:
- Oral or poster presentation of original research at national meetings
- Oral or poster presentation at key regional meetings
- Other priority areas include:
- Students who actively participate in national or regional conference leadership,e.g. serving as a panelist or national organizational officer.)
- Students who represent the University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth in major medical student organizations; who participate on committees or boards; and who receive awards.
- Impact: How will your trip benefit other students?
Please submit all requests for funding to Dina Flaherty in Student Affairs,, SMED Room 173. Apply for funding.
All student travel is also governed by the University of Minnesota's Travel Policy.
Class 1966 Funds
We are no longer accepting proposals for the Academic Year 2023-24. We will begin accepting proposals for the 2024-25 academic years in September 2024
The Medical School Class of 1966 has generously established an endowment support student-initiated projects at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Funds are distributed annually through a competitive application process to individual students or student groups who present project ideas that will be of value to the entire medical student community.
Selected projects will receive $3000. This amount allows the selection committee to select three (3) high profile, high-quality, long-lasting yet discreet projects and ideas annually. Two (2) proposals will be selected from the TC campus, and one (1) from the DU medical school campus.
The committee overseeing this fund invites all students and student groups to submit applications for funding.
Full instructions. guidelines, and a sample application can be found here.
The application process begins annually in Fall semester each year with new funding being available in November.
At the end of the project all individuals receiving funding are required to submit a final report.
Class 1966 Funds Proposal For Funding Form
Global Health and International
The Global Medical Education and Research Program (GMER) offers opportunities for funding for opportunities during the summer between a student's first and second year, plus international study awards for international clinical electives during a student's clinical years.
For Student Groups
Registered student groups are eligible to apply for funding from the Medical School Student Council. Groups are also eligible to apply for special grants from Student Council.
Research Funding
Our students have a wide range of opportunities to gain hands-on research experience, and contribute to medical advancements that create a healthier future for everyone. Students can do research for credit, for pay (such as through grant stipends), or as a volunteer.
Other Opportunities
As various opportunities are received by the Medical Education Office they will be posted here. New opportunities arrive daily, so make sure to check back often!