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M Health Fairview Clinic - Bethesda
580 Rice St.
Saint Paul, MN, 55103
Christine Danner, PhD, has worked in the department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota since 1998, when she began as the department’s first full-time post-doctoral fellow in behavioral health. She has served as the Director of Behavioral Health for the Woodwinds (formerly St. Joseph’s) Family Medicine Residency Program since completing her fellowship in 2000. In 2022, Dr. Danner's role expanded when she became the Director of Behavioral Health for the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. Dr. Danner’s current clinical interests include providing integrated behavioral health services across the lifespan in the primary care setting, refugee mental health, addressing equity gaps in the mental health care system, healthy lifestyle promotion and chronic pain management.
Adam, P, Brandenburg, D, Danner, C, Ross, V, OPtimal Training in COmmunication Model (OPTiCOM): A programmatic roadmap. Patient Education and Counseling, Vol 107
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2022.107573
Lingras, K.A, Schlesinger, A, Danner, C, Berge, J, Borman-Shoap, E, Friedrich, C, Benbenek, M, Barnes, A, Cullen, K, Balder, H, Alquist, G, Steingraeber, C, A Mental Health Crisis and a Workforce Solution: Bringing Together Interdisciplinary Teams to Improve Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Education and Treatment in Primary Care. Perspectives in Infant Mental Health,
doi: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wavdj
Harris, I, Danner, C, Satin, D, How Does Cognitive Bias Affect Conversations With Patients About Dietary Supplements?. AMA Journal of Ethics, 24 (5): E368-375.
Philbrick, A, Danner, C, Oyenuga, A, Pereira, C, Ricco, J, Wendling, A, Education and Attitudes on Medical Cannabis in Family Medicine Residency Programs. Family Medicine, 52 (10): 730-735.
Berge, J, Trofholz, A, Danner, C, Brandenburg, D, Snigdhasmritih, P, Loth, K, Weight- and Health-focused Conversations in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Households With and Without a Child with Overweight/Obesity, Stigma and Health. Advance online publication,
doi: http://dx.doi.org.ezp1.lib.umn.edu/10.1037/sah0000268
Northwood, A, Vukovich, M, Beckman, A, Walter, JP, Josiah, N, Hudak, L, O’Donnell Burrows, K, Letts, JP & Danner, C. (January, 2020) Intensive psychotherapy and case management for Karen refugees with Major Depression in primary care: a pragmatic randomized control trial. BMC Family Practice.,
Danner, C., Freeman, K., Friedrichsen, S. & Brandenburg, D. (November, 2019) Health Behaviors and Goal Setting among Karen Youth. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 15 (4), 320-331. ,
Ricco, J., Danner, C., Pereira, C. & Philbrick, A. (2017) “The Times They Are A-Changin’”: Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Medical Cannabis in an Academic Family Medicine Department. PRiMER.,
Baird, M., Hepworth, J., Myerholtz, L., Reitz, R. & Danner, C. (2017) Fifty Years of Contributions of Behavioral Science in Family Medicine. Family Medicine, 49(4): 297-304.,
Bass, D., Brandenburg, D. & Danner, C. (2015) The Pocket Psychiatrist: Tools to Enhance Psychiatry Education in Family Medicine, International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, 50 (1).,
Refugee physical and mental health, chronic pain management, medical cannabis, patient centered communication training, integrated behavioral health
Integrated behavioral health
Childhood obesity prevention
Refugee mental health
Patient-centered communication training
Integrated Behavioral Health, Chronic Pain Management, Medical Cannabis, Pediatric Obesity Prevention, Refugee Mental Health