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M Health Fairview Clinic - Smiley's
2020 East 28th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Dana Brandenburg, PsyD, LP is faculty in the University of Minnesota Medical Center Family Medicine Residency. She completed a fellowship in primary care and behavioral science education through Michigan State University. Her scholarly interests include the integration of mental health services into primary care, behavioral science education within residency education, interprofessional education and health behavior change. Dr. Brandenburg is the training director for the Primary Care Behavioral Health Fellowship program. Additionally, she serves as a health care professional representative on the state Health Care Home Advisory Committee with the Minnesota Department of Health.
PsyD, Other, Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Major: Clinical Psychology
Minor: Health Psychology
MA, Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Major: Clinical Psychology
BA, Cum laude, Moorhead State University
Major: Psychology, Criminal Justice
Smoking cessation, health behavior change, primary care psychology
Health behavior change
Primary care psychology
Primary Care Behavior Health Certification , University of Massachusetts Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Licensed Psychologist (LP), Minnesota Board of Psychology
Licensure/Certification Number: 4535
Limited License Psychologist (LLP), Michigan Board of Psychology
Licensure/Certification Number: 6301012069
Brandenburg, D. L., (Panelist) "Behavioral Health Integration Summit", Behavioral Health Integration Summit, Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Human Services, Behavioral Home Division, Minnesota, United States. September 01, 2018.
Adam, P., Brandenburg, D. L., Chaisson, N. "Teaching “fuzzy” sub-competencies", Best Practices Day in Medical Education, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. May 01, 2017.
Peters, T., Beamish, C., Brandenburg, D. L. "Behavioral health home: An exciting new program in Minnesota", Integrated Behavioral Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 01, 2017.
Brandenburg, D. L., Berge, J. M., Danner, C., Coleman, E. J. "Creating a shared framework for integrated behavioral healthcare within a family medicine department", Integrated Behavioral Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. April 01, 2016.
Brandenburg, D. L., Danner, C., Berge, J. M. "Integrated Care and Population Based Approaches to Caring for Patients in Primary Care", Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Conference, Plymouth, Minnesota. April 01, 2016.
Fiebelkorn Kennedy, B., Brandenburg, D. L., Berge, J. M. "Health Behavior Change in Pediatric Patients Following the Delivery of 5-2-1-0 Healthy Messages During Well-Child Exams: An Innovative Illustration of Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care/Family Medicine", Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Conference, Plymouth, Minnesota, United States. April 01, 2016.
Hinton, M. J., Ramer, R., Brandenburg, D. L. "Stepped care approach for improving depression management at Smiley's Clinic: A quality improvement pilot study", MAFP Research Forum, Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 01, 2015.
Bass, D. L., Brandenburg, D. L., Danner, C. "Let 'er RIPP: Teaching Psychiatry Concepts via psychiatry consult team and team panel review", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois, United States. September 01, 2014.
Bass, D. L., Brandenburg, D. L. "Integrated primary care: Exciting possibilities for psychiatrists willing to work outside the box. ", Psychiatry Grand Rounds. February 01, 2014.
Sisson, L., Brandenburg, D. L. "Professional Burnout in Four University of Minnesota Family Medicine Residencies", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois. September 01, 2013.
Brandenburg, D. L. "The impact of a patient-centered communication curriculum on residents’ utilization of patient centered communication techniques", Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, Seattle, Washington. April 01, 2012.
Brandenburg, D. L., Danner, C. "Treating traumatized refugees in primary care", Family Medicine Grand Rounds. December 01, 2011.
Miller, R., Brandenburg, D. L., Pratt, R. J. "The effect of patient complexity on treatment outcomes for patients enrolled in an integrated depression treatment program", Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 01, 2011.
Danner, C., Brandenburg, D. L., Pereira, C. R. "It takes a village: A systems based approach to tobacco cessation in primary care", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois. September 01, 2011.
Meyer, A. C., Brandenburg, D. L., Danner, C. "Utilization of integrated care encounters in primary care settings", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois. September 01, 2009.
Brandenburg, D. L., Moon, J. "Smoking Cessation", WCCO Fairview On-Call Radio Show. December 01, 2007.
Adam, P., Brandenburg, D. L. "Team care model in a family practice residency program", Patient Education Conference, Newport Beach, California. November 01, 2007.
Berge, J. M., Mendenhall, T. J., Brandenburg, D. L. "The key role of behavioral scientists in family medicine: Biopsychosocial approaches in-action", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois. September 01, 2007.
Seime, R., Brandenburg, D. L., (Discussant), Bremer, A. L., Reid, T. J., Rosser, S. "Operation Minnesota lifeline: Relief and renewal in Katrina’s wake", Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Meeting. April 01, 2006.
Adam, P., Brandenburg, D. L. "Implementation of a Care Team Model in a Family Practice Residency for “High-Need” Patients", Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Research Forum. March 01, 2006.
Pacala, J. T., Brandenburg, D. L., (Discussant) "Experiences in Minnesota Lifeline", quarterly meeting Metropolitan Behavioral Health Workgroup, Metro Area Disaster Preparedness. February 01, 2006.
Brandenburg, D. L., Moon, J. "Smoking Cessation", WCCO Fairview On-Call Radio Show. January 01, 2006.
Brandenburg, D. L., Adam, P. "Implementation of a care team model in a family practice residency for “high-need” patients", Behavioral Science Forum, Chicago, Illinois. September 01, 2005.
Kotlowski, R., Brandenburg, D. L. "Do societal anti-fat messages impact physician attitudes in treatment of obese patients?", annual meeting of the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, Toronto, Canada. May 01, 2004.
Hartlage, S. A., Brandenburg, D. L., Kravitz, H. M. "Premenstrual exacerbation of depressive disorders in an area probability sample", Second World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Washington DC, District of Columbia. March 01, 2004.
Brandenburg, D. L., Matthews, A. K., Delaney, P. "Negative Healthcare Experiences and Attribution: Subsequent Impact of Future Healthcare Utilization in a Sample of Breast Cancer Patients", Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. March 01, 2004.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Is Your Weight Getting You Down?", Diabetes Health Fair, Flint, Michigan. September 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L., Kotlowski, R. "Practice makes perfect: Patient insights on a bariatric pre-treatment program", annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. August 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Emotional Aspects of Living with Diabetes", McLaren Diabetic Support Group, Flint, Michigan. May 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L. "What Can I Expect? Psychosocial Aspects After Bariatric Surgery", Flint, Michigan. April 01, 2003.
Kotlowski, R., Brandenburg, D. L. "Practice Makes Perfect: Patient insights on a bariatric pre-treatment program", Michigan State University Flint Area Medical Education Community Research Forum, Flint, Michigan. April 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L., Rabara, M., Ashton, K., Strauss, G. "Psychological correlates with morbid obesity in a population of male veterans", Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. March 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Stress Management", Michigan Association of Medical Transcriptionists quarterly meeting, Flint, Michigan. February 01, 2003.
Reed, D. N., Wolf, B., Montanez, M., Saxe, A., Coffey, C., Pollard, M., Kotlowski, R., Fitzgerald, H., Lukan, J., Barber, K., Richardson, J. D., Brandenburg, D. L., James, G., Halvorsen, L., Weiner, E. "Utility of a new psychological tool to assess alcohol dependent trauma patients’ willingness to change drinking behavior", annual meeting of American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. January 01, 2003.
Brandenburg, D. L., Matthews, A. K., Hughes, T. L. "The role of sexual orientation in compliance with cancer screening behaviors", Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, District of Columbia. April 01, 2002.
Hartlage, S., Brandenburg, D. L., Gehlert, S. "Premenstrual exacerbation of depressive disorders: Knowing base rates facilitates targeted treatment", American Psychological Association’s Enhancing Outcomes in Women’s Health Conference , Washington DC, District of Columbia. February 01, 2002.
Matthews, A. K., Manfredi, C., Tartaro, J., Delaney, P., Brandenburg, D. L. "Consequences of negative experiences in health care settings", World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver, Canada. July 01, 2001.
Matthews, A. K., Manfredi, C., Tartaro, J., Delaney, P., Brandenburg, D. L. "Impact of negative experiences in health care settings on satisfaction, stress, and health care utilization", 22nd Annual Conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, Washington. March 01, 2001.
Cummings, S., Matthews, A., Galvin, J., Schwab, C., White, M., Brandenburg, D. L., Olopade, O. "Incorporating a psychological counselor in a cancer risk assessment program: necessity, acceptability, and potential roles", 22nd Annual Conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, Washington. March 01, 2001.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Why Does She Stay? The Cycle of Violence", Healthful Living class, Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota. November 01, 1996.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Power and Control: The Cycle of Domestic Violence", Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota. October 01, 1996.
Brandenburg, D. L. "Violence Awareness for Health Care Providers", United Hospital, Blue Earth, Minnesota. September 01, 1996.
Minnesota Women’s Psychologists
Society for Teachers of Family Medicine
Minnesota Psychological Association
American Psychological Association – Division 38
American Psychological Association