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717 Delaware St SE, Room 420
Minneapolis, MN 55414-2959
Katie Loth, PhD, MPH, RD, is an associate professor and associate vice chair for faculty affairs in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. Dr. Loth is both a researcher and a practicing clinical dietitian. Her research explores social and environmental influences on child and adolescent dietary intake, eating behaviors, weight status, and disordered eating behaviors. Specifically, she is interested in identifying ways that parents and primary care providers can work to help the children in their care develop and maintain a healthy relationship with food and with their bodies.
Dr. Loth provides nutrition counseling and medical nutrition therapy to patients of all ages at M Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic. She is also on the faculty for the North Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program, where she helps to train residents on topics related to medical nutrition therapy.
Food parenting practices, child eating behaviors and dietary intake, eating disorders, health behavior change, and food insecurity.
Dietary intake, food-parenting behaviors, food insecurity, parent-child feeding relationships, eating disorders, body satisfaction, and weight-neutral clinical care.