INMD 7320
VALUE Specialty Choice Elective
Lacey Piotter-Jenkins
VALUE Coordinator
Catalog Description: The VALUE elective is a two-week long focused experience that is meant to enhance one aspect of the “just completed” VALUE longitudinal integrated clerkship at the V.A. Medical Center. The area chosen by the student is built upon a specific interest encountered within the previous VALUE LIC. Student is responsible for finding the supervising preceptor (clinician) who will determine both the depth and breadth of the experience along with the student’s assessment throughout the two weeks. Both the student and the preceptor must sign an agreement prior to the start of the experience as to final elective expectations.
View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.
Site Code |
Site Name |
Notes |
VA-1000 |
Direct patient care: Yes
Consent Requirement: Arranged
Course Objectives:
Graded Components:
Grading Scale: P/N
Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed
Limited to Student Type: Limited to VALUE students
Course equivalency: N/A
Related curricular experience:
Secure Exam:
Course evaluation: MedHub
Additional Courses in This Program:
- INMD 7310 (VALUE Internal Medicine)
- INMD 7312 (VALUE Psychiatry)
- INMD 7313 (VALUE Neurology)
- INMD 7314 (VALUE Acting Internship Primary Care)
- INMD 7317 (VALUE QI/Interprofessional Patient Care)
- INMD 7319 (VALUE Radiology)
- INMD 7324 (VALUE Essentials of Surgery)
- INMD 7325 (VALUE Surgical Subspecialty)
- INMD 7330 (VALUE Medical Subspecialty)