UME Deans Legacy Award Recipients

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UME Deans Legacy Award Recipients


Leah Alemu
Elizabeth Bade
DivineMercy Bakare
Miller Balley
Paul Sung Jun Cho
Minsoo Choi
Andrea Clinch
Jacob Colombo
Madison Ernst
Madeleine Howard
Christiana Johnson 
Madeleine Marker
Gerard Ondrey
Neha Potlapalli
Amy Parkinson
Zarin Rahman
Grant Simonson

Award Criteria

Area of Need is Addressed: Recipients identify an area of need and implement changes to make the learning environment and/or experiences of peers/others better (e.g. training, evaluation, programming).

Contribution is Significant: Recipients' contributions have a substantial impact on specific student populations, programs, or UME offices. 

Contribution is Sustainable: Recipients' contributions exceed role expectations and leave a novel and/or sustainable legacy.

Nominee Qualities:

  • Demonstrates compassion, integrity, and respect for others
  • Demonstrates responsiveness to fellow students (beneficence) that may at times supersede self-interest
  • Takes initiative and leadership to address emergent needs identified through the respective UME offices
  • Planning and efforts demonstrate an awareness of, and commitment to, the values of inclusivity and equality
  • Exhibits a high level of professionalism and/or collaboration
  • Contributes efforts that reflect innovation, ingenuity, or creativity (thinking outside of the box)
  • Demonstrates an awareness of making existing processes or available resources more efficient (doing more with less)
  • Embodies the "I care if you succeed" spirit by improving the experiences of peers and giving back to succeeding classes 
University of Minnesota "M" symbol represented in a garden of maroon & yellow flowers.

I Care if You Succeed.

Special thanks to Dr. Robert Englander (Associate Dean for UME, 2016-2021)