INMD 7719
FLIIC Specialty Plus Elective
Lacey Piotter-Jenkins
FLIIC Coordinator
[email protected]
Catalog Description: The FLIIC Specialty Plus elective is a two- to four-week long focused experience that is meant to enhance the longitudinal integrated clerkship. The specialty area chosen by the student is built upon a specific interest encountered within the LIC.
View site addresses by clicking on the site name below or visiting the site codes table.
Site Code |
Site Name |
Notes |
CO-1049 | Students will go to both sites. |
Direct patient care: Yes
Consent Requirement: Arranged
Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students will have broadened their clinical experience and expertise in a specialty of their choosing by assessing and treating patients in a community clinical setting. Furthermore, through additional exposure to physicians and care teams in their field of choice will have greater insight to guide career discernment.
Graded Components: GRS
Grading Scale: P/N
Allow repetition of course: Repetition not allowed
Limited to Student Type: Limited to FLIIC students
Course equivalency: INMD 7119
Related curricular experience:
Secure Exam:
Course evaluation: MedHub
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