Visiting International Students
Due to the large number of foreign medical student applicants to the University of Minnesota Medical School, we have found it necessary to restrict registration of students to those applying from institutions with which we have affiliation agreements.
The required criteria are listed below. Only students identified by the visiting institutions Dean's office will be considered. Two students per site are accepted per academic year. Application and list of requirements will be sent to selected students upon notification.
Formally affiliated sites
If you attend one of these schools you may be eligible for an elective at the University of Minnesota. You should contact your international program's office for application details.
- Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
- Selian Lutheran Hospital, Arusha, Tanzania
- St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India
- Kasturba Medical College, India
- Baruch Padeh – Poriya Hospital, Tiberias, Israel
- Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
- Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- Mahidol University, Thailand
- The National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
- Pontificia Unversidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Universidad de Ciencias Medicas (UCIMED) San Jose, Costa Rica
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico