Year 4 Medical Students


Contact for more information
Shannon Benson,


If you are a 4th-year student in good academic standing, and interested in participating in a Global Medical Education and Research (GMER) elective (INMD 7565 - Global Health Abroad) - then now is the time to start planning! 

Sites to consider

Students are encouraged to plan their global health experience at one of GMER's partner sites

If you are interested in a non-affiliated site, Course Director approval is required.


  • You must be in good academic standing.
  • You must be at the international site for a minimum of 4 weeks to be eligible for credit.

First Step:

Schedule your 1:1 meeting with Dr. Kesler by June 1 when planning to travel the following year. (Contact Shannon Benson,, to schedule.) Review affiliated sites and develop goals for this experience before the 1:1 meeting


July 1 - Submit rank list. Site placements will be emailed directly to students and confirmations will be requested by the end of July

August 31 - Funding announced to confirmed students. 

September - Until time of travel

  • Gather information RE: the application materials for your chosen site
  • To add INMD 7565 on your schedule complete the schedule change request form.  You will be notified when your schedule is updated.  
  • Complete GMER and UMN requirements via the GMER Canvas Course 
  • Visit a Travel Clinic for vaccinations and health recommendations
  • Check to see if your passport is valid for 6 months beyond dates of travel.
  • If conducting research, consider Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements
  • Final check-in with GMER course director if desired

Upon return

  • Complete the post elective requirements in the GMER Canvas Course in order to receive a pass/fail grade.  Schedule a mandatory debrief meeting with GMER course director.  We ask that this is completed within 14 days of return.